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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 25, 2006
I recently acquired an iPod touch, and a couple of days ago I purchased X-Plane for it. Last night I decided to reinstall Leopard, thinking that app purchases would be tied with my iTunes account and therefore be safe. Turns out that it doesn't show up in my iTunes - it's in purchase history, but it's not there in the Purchases section of iTunes store. Furthermore, when I click Buy App (for X-Plane) it actually asks for confirmation about buying it. I didn't want to risk getting charged again. It's there on my iPod touch, but now I can't sync any other apps because doing so would remove the copy of X-Plane.

What should I do? (And I apologise if this has been asked before - I'm not exactly sure how others would describe the problem.)


EDIT: Turns out all I had to do was choose File -> Transfer Purchases from... in iTunes, and it'd sync all the apps on it over. Hope this helps for anyone with the same issue.
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