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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 11, 2011

Whilst doing some housekeeping of old external HDs used over the last decade (and uploading to online storage because I'm worried they're going to fail soon), I came across some "Previous local iDisk for <<my iCloud / MobileMe>> files.

These were obvious left useless when the option disappeared, and subsequently replaced with iCloud Drive. But, is there any way in which I can access what is on these local copies?

I had the crazy idea of installing a new VM with a copy of Leopard or Snow Leopard (Lion?) to see if I could get at it that way, but I would bet there needed to be the service running on Apple's servers to even register that properly - and even then, can Parallels run another Mac computer?

I suppose it's not the end of the world if the data is lost, and presumably I would've sorted what was on the live drive at the time, but it would be nice to know. Does anyone have any suggestions?



macrumors 68020
Oct 21, 2015
Kiel, Germany
I don't know, if or how you'll be able to access your copy of the local iDisk, but here some suggestions about how to install the appropriate operating system:
If you have a new Mac, that doesn't support Leopard, you'll need to run Leopard or SL as a virtual machine. VMware Fusion does support VMs for Leopard-Server/SnowLeopard-Server. I don't know, if Parallels does support a non-Server-version. VMware Fusion unfortunately does require 40GB fixed space for those early OSX-VMs.
If you happen to have a Mac that allows installation of Leopard/SL, then I'd assign a separte partition for the installation. 20GB for just the OS would be ok - 40GB is a more realistic size.
Well, but unfortunately I can't tell you how or if it's possible to mount that old local iDisk ...
Good luck!


macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 11, 2011
I think I'll give it a go with a VM (Fusion if Parallels doesn't allow Mac ones) and see what happens. Thanks for your help.
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