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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 26, 2011

The other day I was contacted by Blake Trasker, RearthUSA R&D. In the correspondent, I was surprised to see that the company was willing to offer a unit (iPod touch 4g case) for review. Naturally, I was shocked because I have not made a reputation as a reviewer (at least to my knowledge). With that said, my shock quickly grew to curiosity, and thus, I checked the website to look at the available cases. Upon entering the website, my excitement grew to disappointment. I was disappointed at the fact that the cases were made from silicon and the images on the site did not look appealing.

Although my first impressions almost made me deny the offer, I decided to give this product fair shot. I told myself that worst case scenario, I will do a give-away with my review. Nevertheless, I am delighted that my preconceived notions on the case did not due this product any justice.


Admittedly, I must say that this category is rather bias. My taste may very well be different from yours, and thus, the following might not hold merit. Nevertheless, I felt that this area needs to be address. In short (to not dwell on an opinionated subject), this product is quite stylish. Its appeal stems from the form factors that define the design. From the Apple logo cutout, to its separate speaker slit, one can rest assure that this product was specifically molded for iPod Touch 4th generation. The only point of criticism, is that apple cutout expose the back of the device to the environment. However, after contact with the company, I believe they are looking into a clear solution to keep its stylish cut and appease customers who dislike the exposure.

In spite of the slight exposure issue, its style of the device remains unhindered. Therefore, I believe its style is worthy of a:



When I read the word silicone, I usually shy away. This is partly due to the fact silicon is the epitome of a lose fit, a dirt magnet, and an awkward feel. These preconceived qualities, that have skewed my judgment of silicone products, have been nullified because of the quality of this product. This product is in fact the complete opposite of what I had expected. Contrary to my preconception, this product makes a tight fit with my iPod Touch. Therefore, the property of silicon being a dirt magnet, because of its loose fit, does not hold true. With that said, I have yet to encounter any dirt buildup underneath the case. This alone is a selling point for any case manufacture. After all, who wants dirt buildup underneath the case, scratching the back of the iPod?

As for the case textural feel, one is greeted between a hybrid of a baby’s skin and 25% cotton paper. Although some may have trouble imagining this, I can assure you that it does not hold the same silicone feel that deters a handful of costumers. Furthermore, unlike many silicon (and even TPU cases), this case has yet to obtain the greasy slime feel that screams for a replacement.

Based on the aforementioned, I give this product a:



We have all been there, where we have once dropped something of significant expenses. Well if you recall correctly, your heart probably skipped a beat as gravity was ripping the expensive item from your grasp. At times gravity can be friendly and leave an item unharmed. However, during its most brutal moments, it can shatter your heart, with the item, in mere seconds. During these economic times, I think we can all agree with the fact that an iPod touch can be deemed a considerable expense. Hence, I think it is only appropriate to protect your device.

With that said, this case offer outstanding protection to the device, without adding the bulkiness of other cases. Admittedly, my iPod has fallen twice since I have installed this case. The first time, it fell on its back and did not sustain any scratches. Upon the second time, it fell on the screen, by which the screen never touched the floor due to rim of the case. Other than these two examples, this case should offer substantial protection (theoretically) for a device.

Therefore, I rate this case a:


Buttons positioning:

Prior to owning this case, I had been using a TPU case I bought on Amazon. Unfortunately, I was never satisfied with the case, due to the buttons positions, that made the volume rocker and power button an obstacle to use. Nevertheless, this case does not suffer from such a pitfall. In fact, the button position on this case is superb and allows easy access to the button’s functionality.





Ok now here is where I can finally criticize the case, however, not by much. The case currently cost $16.99 (USD) with free shipping, and comes in a wide array of colors. For a fellow cheapskate, my hear reaches out to you. I am aware that Amazon is flooded with cheaper cases then this. However, compare to the cases found in retail stores, this case actually surpasses the value to quality ratio one is often accustom to. That said, one should consider this case an investment due to its protection and quality.

Nonetheless, the price makes this category a:



This case is one of a kind. The case offers style, while still adding a layer of protection to your media player. More so, this case also proves to be functional in its slim form factor and easy to use buttons. All in all, I highly, without hesitation, recommend this case.

Total Score:

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