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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 29, 2011
Sometimes while doing design or photo work you need to view an image by itself in Safari.

When viewing an image in a Safari window there is no HTML so the background color around the image is white. But, when Mojave is in Dark Mode the Safari background is still white.


Why isn't the Safari background black or dark gray? Is there some setting to fix this or did Apple just forget to include Safari background in Dark Mode.

Also, I noticed Google Chrome does Dark Mode now and they got it right - a dark background when viewing an image.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 11, 2011

I've also found this, which I've sent feedback about: opening a new window with a blank page gives you that dark background. But opening a new tab in full screen mode gives you a solid white background.

I'm quite ready for that to be updated.
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