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macrumors member
Jul 11, 2014
I currently have a 4s and i definitely do not want a phone that is going to be bigger than this but unfortunately phones are getting bigger and bigger.


macrumors 68000
Jul 7, 2008
But my guess is these ads aren't meant for average consumers; they're meant to get page views on tech sites and ignite flame wars in the comments sections.

Not a good guess. The objective of the ad is clear: To position Apple as lagging in phone technology.


macrumors 6502
Jan 23, 2013
ya gotta love these ads..

"But maybe you just like waiting"

Ya we do like waiting :) because Apple just does it perfect/or tries and does it right all the way... You can't say that about too many phones these days... It's all rush-rush-rush, out of the gate as fast as possible without even thinking what customers want..

Like Maps, right? Apple also rushed out things before that were not "right all the way"


macrumors 6502a
Sep 6, 2013
Don't you know? Samsung doesn't care about you, these campaigns where they spend billions are for people on the fence. Rather than try to get as many customers as they can, they are going after a tiny group (relatively) of fence sitters.

Lol, the stuff people come up with I tell ya.

I make joke, man. :p


macrumors 6502a
Nov 13, 2013
Not this again... Funny how irrelevant this ad will become in the next few months.

That's only if the 5.5" becomes a reality.

If 4.7" becomes real, that's such a small incremental increase it'll be nothing worth bragging about.

But then again if Apple farts (think fart apps as made famous via iPhone) it's big news... :eek:


macrumors regular
Feb 7, 2011
Serious question. You people that say "am I the only one" when talking about wanting a small screen. Are you all joking? Because you all can't seriously see each other saying this a hundred times and still wonder if you're the only one. Right?

Serious answer: a) I don't spend a lot of time here reading people's opinions, and b) it was a sarcastic rhetorical question. I don't actually believe I'm the only one.


You are. And I'm gonna LMAO when Apple releases a 4.7" (still small) iphone next month. Gonna love to see all the whining and bitching on these forums.

Thanks for clearing that up.


macrumors 68000
Mar 20, 2009
Near London, UK.
It strikes me as somewhat counterproductive to be putting a message out that there's a bigger iPhone coming. There will be a ton of people, essentially the sort of people unlike those here, who are wholly unaware of that.
Until now.
Now some of them will wait


macrumors 65816
Mar 19, 2014
Except that many people liked the "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC" ads whether they were fans of Apple or not.

Yep I mentioned that in another thread. Those ads received praise from people even outside the tech circle.

These ads are just ridiculed. Theres a difference.


Samsung are already in trouble.

Posting lower than expected earnings, profit warnings, managers giving back bonuses, is not the sign of a company on the up.

Theyre only in it for the marketshare


macrumors regular
Oct 17, 2007
Screen size is the number 1 reason most of my friends who switch have given for switching. I'll admit that I'm extremely jealous of the screen size of the Galaxy Note.

Apple isn't responding to this pretty important consumer desire quickly enough. The fact that they ARE responding tells you that it is needed and isn't just some thing that the geeks wanted. Apple doesn't play that game....

That, of course, is where the superiorities end. Samsung runs Google's craptastic OS. Enough said.


macrumors 6502
Jul 14, 2008
LOL, so funny seeing people put tablets up next to their ears :) Anything over 5 inches is just to big. I know some people like the phablets but not for me.. needs to fit easily in my pocket, otherwise ill just carry a real tablet that is much easier to watch movies and browse the web on if I really need a bigger screen.


macrumors 6502
Sep 3, 2009
I am hoping Apple leave the screen size alone. I like being able to use it with one hand. Samsung phones are ridiculous. It's like going back in time to where we had the brick sized phones. They look silly when talking on them, plus they don't fit in any pocket. I love the size of iphone 5.


macrumors 68000
Jan 23, 2006
Where I live
I am hoping Apple leave the screen size alone. I like being able to use it with one hand. Samsung phones are ridiculous. It's like going back in time to where we had the brick sized phones. They look silly when talking on them, plus they don't fit in any pocket. I love the size of iphone 5.

Although, I have the same screen size preferences as you, I don't pretend to think that's what everyone else prefers.


macrumors P6
LOL, so funny seeing people put tablets up next to their ears :) Anything over 5 inches is just to big. I know some people like the phablets but not for me.. needs to fit easily in my pocket, otherwise ill just carry a real tablet that is much easier to watch movies and browse the web on if I really need a bigger screen.

Good for you, if you don't mind carrying a tablet around in your hand or purse, in addition to your phone.

A lot of people prefer to carry a single device that fits in a pocket. It's surprisingly easy.


macrumors regular
Mar 2, 2008
Wow, that Samsung phone looked really huge against the guys face when he was answering a call. It looks like he is hold one of them fancier TI SCI Calculators against his face. Couldn't he just used a headset or something?

Another thing is that tho there are some people who has preferred something a little larger to fit in their hands, in my part of the world, I don't think I know anyone friends, and colleagues at work (I work software engineers), who has any envy of Samsung phones.

A lot of my peers are authorize to have corporate mobile phones, and have been given the choice of Blackberry, Samsung S5, or iPhone 5S, and I don't know anyone who has not chosen the 5S over the other choices.

They just started in 2014 giving us options between Lenovo, Dell, HP, or Apple laptops, and those be are in the refresh cycles and have Apple as a choice has chosen Apple. Too bad I got my refresh in 2013, I have to wait about 3 more years before my next hardware refresh.


macrumors regular
Mar 2, 2008
Good for you, if you don't mind carrying a tablet around in your hand or purse, in addition to your phone.

A lot of people prefer to carry a single device that fits in a pocket. It's surprisingly easy.

Another reason for divorcing functions between smartphone and tablets is to increase battery power resource.

Though many smart devices advertise all day power, this includes standby time unfortunately. It doesn't truly mean talk time, video time, or music playing them or combination of those which depending on your device battery size realistically translate to about 5-7 hours of real world usage [per battery in case of replaceable batter units and you don't mind pre-charging and bring a replacement along]

If you know you're going to be disconnected from a power outlet long enough and you need to ensure you last until your next opportunity to plug in while still being able to use your devices in a realistic sense, bringing a tablet with you make sense. You can use the battery on the tablet to consume while reserving your phone for sms, alerts, voice calls, 911, emergencies, etc.


Like Maps, right? Apple also rushed out things before that were not "right all the way"

Even those who are patience and try not to rush can still make mistakes.

That said, I don't know how much time Apple has spent on maps, and if it was an issue with code, or with infrastructure, or situational with Google putting them in an odd position.

In some fairness, Apple version "1.0" maps wasn't that BAD, and was much better than Maps before it that was provided by "Google". Google was create much better Maps maps for Andriod and the iPhone version was severely inferior. (no turn-by-turn, etc).

After Apple release Maps they developed inhouse and decided not to continue with the Google-provided version, finally Google developed an release better Google Maps apps separately.

I don't know the exact nature of what happen and the specifics, but what I do know is the events, and because of it, we ended up with better map apps compare to what we had prior to that.

So even if you don't like Apple's Map, that move led to a better Google Maps as well. So it's win-win.
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