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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 3, 2024
Why is the search functionality in the Mail app (iOS and Mac) so BAD?! I was looking for an Apple receipt yesterday that I had received less than a month ago did a search for Apple only to find emails from Apple from 2015, emails about apple picking and other random emails but literally only ONE from Apple when I know I have dozens (or more) in my trash.

I finally found the email I needed but is there a better way to search? Or is this a known limitation? I am used to the functionality of Outlook at work where I can search by multiple parameters and while not perfect, still much more likely to find the email I am looking for.


macrumors 603
May 6, 2008
Search has always been terrible in the mail app. Most of the time when I need to search for an email, I’ll use the Gmail app instead — or manually look for the email. I’m not sure why Apple hasn’t improved search since it’s a default app loaded on our iDevice.
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