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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 20, 2008
I use a separate Apple IDs for the App Store (gmail) and iCloud (mobile me). My gmail one is my original ID I've been using for my Apple login. The iCloud account was used when mobile me started and contains my iCloud data.

I have 2FA turned on for my iCloud account for awhile now. However, it doesn't look like there's a way to enable 2FA for my App Store account as well. I was thinking I may have to set it up as a 2 Factor Verification old method instead, but Apple's site doesn't seem to make it as straight forward and it looks like it still depends on a device.

Would 2 factor verification be the approach? Any other downsides I might run into?

It's been a few years now and I don't think Apple still has a method to merge accounts. I originally kept the App Store account separate since it's my original account and I've also used it for the family Apple TV and other family devices. I wanted to keep my iCloud data separate so it doesn't show up on any shared devices, which I kind of still prefer.
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