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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 17, 2018
Gdańsk, Poland
Hello Guys,

Can you please tell me if you separate something Retina and keyboard in MBP?

I am looking for something to separate my Retina screen and keyboard.

Read about scratching Retinas because of keyboards in MBP.

What do you think about it?


Newtons Apple

Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida
If you do not carry your MBPro in a book bag or allow anything to press the screen against the keyboard, this cloth will not be needed. I worry about using a cloth as it will press against the keys which will turn on the laptop.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 17, 2018
Gdańsk, Poland
Thing is that sometimes I need to take it to bag. Piece of paper between screen and keyboard will be fine?


macrumors 6502a
Dec 12, 2006
Paper is no durable.

Sure, but it is easily replaceable, very cheap and easy to recycle too.

I take a sheet of paper that I do not need anymore (some old draft), and throw it to the recycle bin a couple of months later, when it wears out. So, I just delay the recycling of sheet of paper by a month once every few months, which is not too bad. It seems less costly and even more environment friendly that having a specific item made and shipped on purpose.


macrumors 6502
Oct 19, 2014
I've been using the included black Apple microfiber cloth that came with one of my Macbook Pro computers. It covers the trackpad fine and the space that separates the trackpad from the keyboard along with some of the keys.

That part that separates them was the part that first left marks on my 2016 15" screen and later from the trackpad and those nearby keys.
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