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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 19, 2004
Lexington, KY
Here's a real corker for you fine folks:

I have an old 3400c that I was going to press back into service as a "temporary" wireless access point so that I could have an internet connection in the conference room down the hall from my office. Non-University-sanctioned network equipment (routers, hubs, wireless points, etc) is expressly verboten, and incurs hefty financial penalties.

SO - I thought I might set up the previously aforementioned 3400c as a "closed", non-broadcasting access point. It currently has a 3rd party Orinoco Gold card running Proxim's Orinoco drivers, and works absolutely flawlessly as a client.

The Proxim software will let me create a peer-to-peer network, but it won't let me share the network from the ethernet through the Gold card, and it certainly won't let me create a closed/hidden network, although it will let me connect to one.

A quick check of VersionTracker & MacUpdate reveals nothing....

Any thoughts?


macrumors 68020
Jul 4, 2002
Muncie, Indiana
What you need is software to make the machine act as a router.

There used to be some software for Mac OS 9 called "software base station".

I have a 3400C sitting around here, too. I didn't know I could put a wireless card in it. I'd like to find out more about that.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 19, 2004
Lexington, KY
Thanks, I'll look around and see if I can locate it. I didn't know there were software routers...learn something new every day, I guess.

The card I'm using is a Dell (ech, I know, but CHEAP) TrueMobile 1150. It's 16-bit, so it works fine with the non-cardbus machines, I've even had it working in my Newton. I can't get it to work with the Airport drivers, so I may try to find a real, honest-to-God, Lucent WaveLan card that will.

I got the TrueMobile card from eBay for $20-25/shipped, I believe, a year or more ago.

Thanks again!


macrumors 6502
Nov 30, 2003
Airstrip One
The 16-bit Orinoco wifi card (mine is also a Dell Truemobile card!) works like a dream with both my 3400c and my 1400c. When I find a a PCMIA cartage for my Powerbook 520 I'm going to have a go getting that wireless too :eek:
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