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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains

Just finished She-Hulk, one season and done as planned. I’ll give this show a thumbs up, with caveats. I enjoyed it, I liked the character, She-Hulk is hot :), but it was too fluffy, too casual, not enough meat, the season/series final, some might call it brilliant, or par for the course, I call it a mess if you were expecting something definitive, not a complete break from the story line. The character had already been making numerous out of character comments to the audience, so the ending is the icing on that cake. But as I’ve said about other Disney programming, it had 30 minutes episodes holding it back. I’d call it, Disney’s lazy programming. You won’t ever get any serious story telling in <30 min episodes.

The story got a real uplift with the appearance of Daredevil in the last 2 episodes, and I fondly remembered before Marvel was Disneyfied, the gritty nature of Netflix series Daredevil and Jessica Jones. I doubt Disney has that in them. :(


Apr 23, 2010
She-Hulk is supposed to be fluffy. It's a sitcom. People were expecting it to be more than Disney said it would be.

Juicy Box

macrumors 604
Sep 23, 2014
The show was not for me at all.

I was hoping for a season 4 of Daredevil, but after She Hulk and the other rumors around the new Daredevil show, I am pretty convinced that Disney will ruin it.
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macrumors 65816
Jun 16, 2018
I enjoyed a few moments but all in all I didn't care for it. The change in her origin was unnecessary and I'm not sure why they couldn't have kept it true to the comics where she was ill and needed a blood transfusion from Bruce. The whole mixing of blood during a car wreck was stupid. Going in I knew she would break the fourth wall but for me it really didn't work and I found it off-putting. The blatant antagonization of fans was also lame. I've been disappointed in pretty much all of the Disney shows and don't care for the direction the MCU is heading. It's almost becoming a parody of itself.


Apr 23, 2010
I enjoyed a few moments but all in all I didn't care for it. The change in her origin was unnecessary and I'm not sure why they couldn't have kept it true to the comics where she was ill and needed a blood transfusion from Bruce. The whole mixing of blood during a car wreck was stupid. Going in I knew she would break the fourth wall but for me it really didn't work and I found it off-putting. The blatant antagonization of fans was also lame. I've been disappointed in pretty much all of the Disney shows and don't care for the direction the MCU is heading. It's almost becoming a parody of itself.

The changed the origin because much of the show had her dealing with powers she didn't want. So she got them by accident. If Bruce transfused her, that would have been by choice, and nullified the "I didn't want these powers" storyline.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
She-Hulk is supposed to be fluffy. It's a sitcom. People were expecting it to be more than Disney said it would be.
I’m not against humor, Thor is full of it and I liked it other than the last broken Thor movie. But this, although I enjoyed the character, because of Disney oversight and 30 min episodes, it was turned into a throw away story with an especially throw away ending.
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