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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 15, 2020
I would like to back-up my year photos gallery so I tried different methods without success. I would like to request help :).
I have around 1500 photos for 2021.

Method 1. Create an archive for 2021 photos with shortcut.
It doesn't work, I have PHPhotosError-Domain 2169 during the "archive creation" command.


Method 2. Using Shortcut app, create an album with photos taken from 01/01/2021 to 12/31/2021 and add to specific folder.
Then, select all photo from this album to share into file folder.
It doesn't work during the 'Photos save" command, I have 3300 Error.


I used to use smart folder with my Mac but now I only have an iPad (and iphone).
I thought Shortcut would be easy and a good alternative...

Do you have any solution for me ? :)
Thanks !


Staff member
Jul 1, 2014
Wild guess: too many photos. Shortcuts has had limits to how much data one can process by a Shortcut. For example, there was (still is?) a limit of like 27 for number of Notes one could select in the Find Notes action. Would not doubt some limit with number of photos and or number of megabytes that could be processed at one time.

Workaround would be to break it down into smaller chunks of data: month at a time, two week chunks?
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 15, 2020
Hey !
Thanks for your reply :).
Yes I agree with the limit of number. So yes I can make a Shortcut month by month.
But the simplier method I think is share photos to Files app like Jessica Lares said.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 15, 2020
EDIT 1: when I select all 1500 photos to export on Files App, only 726 photos are exported. I don't understand...
I update the shortcut with a repetition command. On each element, I save the repetition element.
It works for several months but I identified a video that generate unknow 16364 error.
I don’t know why a video makes the error. I tested with another days and It works.
Do you have any ideas? :)

Last edited:


macrumors 603
Sep 8, 2011
You can share them to the Files app from the Photos app and put them in a folder and compress it in there (long press the folder when you're done to get the menu).
This would be the best solution, just keep in mind that it’s going to require a LOT of free storage to duplicate, then compress 1500 photos.
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