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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 17, 2015
Frankston, Australia
Hi all, I own a Mid 2014 Retina MacBook Pro (2.6GHz, 256GB SSD), and am running OSX 10.11 El Capitan. I much prefer the aesthetics and looks of OSX 10.9 Mavericks, and am thinking about any disadvantages of downgrading? There would need to be some things I have to be able to do if I am going to.

1) Ensure all my networks work properly (they should work fine, not a huge problem)

2) If possible, copy over my iMessage history (I understand that a Time Machine backup saves these, but a backup created on 10.11 requires the machine to be running 10.11 in order to restore from it). So I need a way to get my message history across to Mavericks

3) A simple way to export from Photos into iPhoto, and convert all my older documents to run on older versions of Pages, Numbers, and Keynote. I know this can all be done manually, but I want to see if there is a faster way to do it.

If you could help me with any of these factors, or offer your opinions on the situation, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks heaps!


macrumors 6502a
Mar 31, 2015
Important question:

Are there any other factors that influence your decision other than aesthetic? Software compatibility etc.?

As for the downgrade:

Do you have backup from Mavericks? It would make the whole process much easier...

If you only have backups made in El Capitan it will complicate matters and its likely you have to do much of the work manually.

I made similar downgrade myself last year and it was certainly worth it for my needs. It is a lot of work if you have no previous Mavericks backup and only you can say what is it the right answer for you... :)
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