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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 11, 2008
Ok, I am a fanboy of gmail but since i saw apples new mobileme serivce ive been thinking about paying for it. and switching What are the advantages i get for paying for it?

How does this "push" work. Ive seen it in videos but how does it stand up so far? and If i am correct push is if i change a contacts phone number on my ipod touch then it will chnage on mobile me and outlook right? and vive versa if i change on outlook.

Is the Service really worth $99 hows the GUI is it workable? Ive got a lot of question too and i am quite skeptical about paying for email, but maybe you guys can convince me otherwise


macrumors Core
Feb 9, 2008
Essentially it's just a nice email service, online storage (20GB, 40GB, or 60GB), a push services for all connected peripheral, and webhosting in my online storage space. If you think this is worth the money then get it by all means. Of course if you don't have a Mac, then it's definitely not worth it.


macrumors regular
Oct 12, 2007
New York, NY
If you've got a Touch, I would say that it's not worth it. Push is kinda irrelevant if you're limited to wi-fi hotspots. The web apps look to be quite fantastic but they're really slow and buggy right now. If they iron out the performance issues (which I expect they will), it'll be a whole lot better, but I'm not sure it's worth paying the money unless you have multiple Macs that you want to sync and would take advantage of having access to your mail, calendars, and contacts on the web (like if you were at work all day, for instance, which is it's primary use for me). I don't know that you'd be any better off than you are with the Google web apps though.

It looks to me that the only thing you'd be gaining is the computer-to-computer syncing, so if you don't need that there doesn't seem to be a point.


macrumors regular
Sep 4, 2006
Vancouver, BC
the other thing you get is the 20 gb of online space, and a program to automatically backup your files whenever you want. this seems to me to be one of the best things, since losing files is terrible, but i can never remember to do manual backups. plus, as a student, if i lose my computer or hd, i still need my work immediately to finish assignments.

plus an awesome address...

and I have an iPod touch, push is still going to be nice (if it works this way) but right now the smallest interval for checking mail is 15 mins, now as soon as i get a message it will be there. that's pretty nice.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 11, 2008
the other thing you get is the 20 gb of online space, and a program to automatically backup your files whenever you want. this seems to me to be one of the best things, since losing files is terrible, but i can never remember to do manual backups. plus, as a student, if i lose my computer or hd, i still need my work immediately to finish assignments.

plus an awesome address...

and I have an iPod touch, push is still going to be nice (if it works this way) but right now the smallest interval for checking mail is 15 mins, now as soon as i get a message it will be there. that's pretty nice.

thank you i think you have concvinced me to get the service


macrumors 68040
May 15, 2005
Do you use a mac?

If you use a mac, the mm service is nice for easily posting your pictures online, making galleries in a second and linking with password for F&F to see, download and ADD to.

The document and items syncing across platforms is really nice, I consider it easily worth the 5-6$ a month.

Small White Car

macrumors G4
Aug 29, 2006
Washington DC
It's super worth it to me.

Among other things, my favorites:

* Wireless auto-syncing between my iPhone, iMac, and Mac Pro of:

* Website that shows:
e-Mail that works JUST like Apple Mail
Calendar that looks JUST like iCal
Contacts that work a LOT like Apple's Address Book
Online access to my iDisk
Nice management of my photo galleries (which are fantastic to begin with)

I'd gladly pay $200 a year to get these things. They make everything SO much easier, especially since my wife and I update different things on different devices throughout the day. Without this there'd always be something left un-updated with some appointment or phone number, but that doesn't happen using mobileme.
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