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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 9, 2005
At the Airport. UK
hi guys.

woah, scary, i just had a kernel panic! it was really traumatic:D, but now everything seems to be fine.

after the initial shock wore off, i started to investigate into why it had happened. i use my ipod shuffle as a pen drive most of the time, so i plugged it in to retrieve a file from it. the ipod shuffle would not mount on the desktop, so i took it out, and nothing happened. on the 2nd attempt, the same thing happened. on the 3rd attempt, upon removing, i had the kernel panic.

i restarted, and everything now seems fine. i re-inserted the shuffle, and then the ipod updater started autmatically and updated my ipod to 1.1.3. then, it mounted on the desktop and everything worked fine. i then repaired permissions, just to be safe.

can anyone explin why this happened?

should i zap PRAM and run system diagnostics from my OSX disk?

any help/reassurance much appreciated, im still a little shaken about the integrity of my powerbook

thanks guys

mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
Did your Shuffle have the latest firmware on it before you restored it? I wouldn't worry about your Mac too much at this stage unless you're bored in which case you could do a quick test from the Hardware Test CD. :)
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