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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 5, 2014
I like Sim City, and im here to kinda give you some tips...

Start Small, and steady.
Dont build large dark areas (Dark as in the density). Build small patches or light green and build one road to connect them.

Sims hate pollution too!
Dont build industrial and heavy pollution power places next to residential zones, you home rates will down a ton!

Services a no no in the beggining.
The town doesnt really need services like Police Station and Fire Departments in the beginning. They cost quite a bit of money. Wait until your making atleast 2000 Simoleans a year.

Make enough Water Towers.
Water towers arent the best, but theyre great for starting off. You need tons of them to cover all of your locations. Once you think you can afford more expensive water places, get them.

Wait a good 50 years... Sim years of course!
Your town wont be that great right away... you have to wait a while. A good 50 years would get your town to a good point!

Regulate those damn Taxes!
Remember to you can change the rate of taxes. To change them, press on the 3 dots on the bottom right, then press the simoleans sign. Raise the taxes when there are too many sims, and Lower the Taxes when there is no production in a certain zone. ~Thanks to Googleman

Build Parks!
Parks can increase the value of house around in an area by quite a bit. You dont have to go all out with the bigs ones, just put a couple of small ones here and there.

Squares, not weird Rectangles
Make zones into squares. Its not really a boost for the game, but it helps you organize your zones so that you can tell whats where. It could help your town out somehow, but im not really sure.

Googleman on Roads
"Just try to make a lot of road connections, try doing zones of 3 x 3 squares and since trains and railroads never worked for me just wait till u can get buses and when u can, build a station in every corner of the street, in the first years nobody uses them but with the time they start to use them, but the key is making small zones and as many road connections u can."

Comment on Above:
Don't get confused, dont get bus stations right away. They cost money each month.

Googleman on Water
"make a pumping station then connect it with water pipes to a water tower then more connections to the city zones and build many water towers like each 5 or 6 squares of distance and connect them all with the pipes, one is not enough, you can also see where the water is needed when you are placing pipes, red zones indicates that theres no water there."

For SimCity3000 Fans, there are no Farms, even though...
You may sometimes get a note on your ticker (The Ticker is the lines of words that come by the bottom) that says your town is losing it 'Soul". Soul was earned from making farms, in the old SimCity3000. There are no farms in Sim City Touch. (I got the note on my ticker, and when i pressed it, the note from the person was blank. It was wierd... The Title said ".:Title:." it was the same for the Message, and the name of the person)

Tips from you guys would be great!
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