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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 12, 2008
So I'm really enjoying the Siri watch face, especially when being able to tweak what apps show up in it, but one thing that's been bothering me is that while I have music playing (via my phone to bluetooth headphones), whenever I raise my wrist to check the time/activity/stuff, I get a fullscreen 'now playing' type display. This is ok sometimes I guess, but if I'm raising my wrist to check stuff, I want to know stuff, not necessarily deal with music controls.

I've tried the "now playing" toggle in the siri watch face, but that just allows the little panels to show up or not, doesn't seem to have an impact with the whole face takeover thing.

I wondered if it was my wrist bumping the crown, but this never happened before updating, and if I press the crown, it doesn't go to that screen anyways.

Anyone else bothered by this?
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