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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jan 25, 2008
My wife has had the original MBA since it came out, and is really happy with it. I reinstalled OSX and it does what she needs it to do (MSO, Adobe, Internet, and Skype).

However, I used it the other day and noticed how slow it all got when I was using Skype video. I checked it out, and bingo, the CPU utilisation increased by 20% the second the MBA broadcasted video. Without video the CPU was at 10% (Safari, Entourage, and Skype running), but as soon as I enabled recording and broadcasting video, the CPU went up to 30-35%.

I checked this on my MBP, and on it you can't even see an increase in CPU utilisation when using Skype (with or without iSight).

The Skype version is the latest for OSX, ver., and the video is correctly set to use the Built-in iSight. But, why such a difference in CPU usage between the MBA and the MBA :confused:



macrumors 601
Dec 5, 2007
Yay Area, CA
I'm not sure why there's a CPU difference. Whenever I use Skype, regardless of whatever system I'm on, it takes up ~50% of one core w/ video or 5% cpu without.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jan 25, 2008
I dbl. checked everything, and you are right. It does take up a lot of CPU on the MBP as well, it is just not that noticeable. How come though, the video takes up so much?



macrumors 604
Jul 4, 2008
Silicon Valley
Video chats take up a whole lot more bandwidth than audio/text, the CPU has to work harder to encode the video and send it out. It's a constant process, therefore it takes more CPU process power. If video stutters, then I'd be worried, but if it doesn't you should be fine.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jan 25, 2008
It stutters on my Air, but of course not on my Pro. By stutters I mean, when I am using video in a Skype call, it from time to time jerks in the video signal, the receiving as well as the sending. And, it is not because of my internet connection; 25'000/2'500.



macrumors member
May 13, 2009
For what it's worth, I used my magic jack on a trip to Cancun a day ago, and it worked just fine. There were no issues with sound quality at all.


macrumors 6502
Oct 26, 2005
I've also got a Rev A MBA and after ~30 mins of Skype, the video will freeze and I have to disable/enable video to get it back (after which, it does the same thing every 5-10 mins). Tried this over Wifi and Ethernet, same problem, very annoying.


macrumors 601
Dec 5, 2007
Yay Area, CA
I've also got a Rev A MBA and after ~30 mins of Skype, the video will freeze and I have to disable/enable video to get it back (after which, it does the same thing every 5-10 mins). Tried this over Wifi and Ethernet, same problem, very annoying.

My video doesn't freeze, it just blacks out every 5 minutes or so after 30 minutes of video. I'm not sure why, happened on all my of my Macs
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