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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 18, 2021
Curious as to whether the position of HD/SSD sleds makes any difference between slots one, two, three or four?

The presence of a non-bootable—and also unrecognised 8TB HD—in the left-most position, on start-up appeared to prevent the machine from advancing beyond the chime, despite the presence of a reliable bootable SSD next door (position two).

I had expected the system to boot from position two. There were non-bootable SSDs in positions three and four.

When swapping drives in one and two, the machine started up as normal.

My guess is that this may relate to either power-draw (ie. the large capacity HD), HD-vs-SSD in some way, or something else I've missed. I wonder if anyone has any comments about order or position of storage sleds?



macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
Choose your boot drive from System Preferences/Startup Disk.
Or, boot your MacPro while holding the Option key. Choose your boot drive from that boot screen.
I have always heard that slot 1 is the initial default, if no other drive is set as the boot drive.
Why did yours seem to hiccup during boot, when you moved the only boot drive to a different slot? Maybe you are correct about the high-capacity hard drive making the boot miss somehow.
Maybe someone with more experience with the older Mac Pros will have a better answer.
I am pretty sure that slot order does not determine boot sequence, at least not in any repeatable way.
I would think that if you have only one drive with a boot system, then the preferred slot for that boot drive is slot 1
Of course, that does not reduce the "value" of setting that boot drive in the Startup Disk pane.


macrumors member
May 27, 2020
This reminds me, Ill have to check my drive orientation but on occasion from a COLD boot my 4 TB Media drive is not recognized. I do a restart and its there. I just chalked it up to my ssd boot drive is too fast on boot to recognize. I have 3 drives installed. 1 TB ssd boot, 1 TB HHD backup and 4 TB HHD. Im very curious.
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