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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 25, 2013
Hello All

Is it just me, or is anyone else having problems in iPadOS 13 selecting the slide over apps?

My problem is that i drag up from the bottom of the screen to show the dock, then tap and hold briefly on the app I want to open in slide over.....

But most the time I am getting the pop up (old 3D touch) menu instead of being able to drag the app icon to the side. If I try to drag the app icon too quickly after the tap it just doesn't move.

Im finding that its a very fine line between a tap.. a tap-hold-drag, and a tap-hold-3D Touch menu.

It never looked this hard on all the demo videos I saw whilst it was in beta..

What am I doing wrong here? It can't be this hard or hit-and-miss?!
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