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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 21, 2018
A curious thing that I just noticed. When creating a smart mailbox folder in the Mail app (Mail 16.0 on Ventura 13.4), it completely fails when more than 20 smart mailboxes are added. Up to 20 it works great, showing the cumulative emails pulled from the smart mailboxes, but after 20 it completely falls apart and basically just shows all emails from all mail accounts (including junk folders).

I even tried a workaround, creating one smart mailbox folder of 20 smart mailboxes, another smart mailbox folder of 5 smart mailboxes, and then creating a separate smart mailbox which pulled the emails from those two folders. Both folders worked great independently, but then the smart mailbox which pulled the emails in had the same behaviour of completely falling apart.

Maybe updating from Ventura 13.4 to Ventura 13.5 will somehow fix this? Unless I'm being stupid, this has got to be a bug right? If it was just it's functionality, then surely the Mail app would simply stop you adding more than 20 smart mailboxes in the first place right?
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