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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 16, 2008
I left for Android for a while. Did a JB last night and most the tweaks I used for free now cost money. I understand why, but....

I will say $12 for iBlacklist is criminal.


macrumors G4
Jul 16, 2010
ny somewhere
I left for Android for a while. Did a JB last night and most the tweaks I used for free now cost money. I understand why, but....

I will say $12 for iBlacklist is criminal.

sure, but in general, seems reasonable for a developer to charge for his/her work. and often, there are free alternative apps...

i don't mind paying $1-$3 for a tweak i really want.


macrumors 65816
May 16, 2011
I have very few tweaks, but whatever I paid is well worth it. I agree some might be way up there, but you got to pay to play.


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 16, 2008
sure, but in general, seems reasonable for a developer to charge for his/her work. and often, there are free alternative apps...

i don't mind paying $1-$3 for a tweak i really want.

Yeah, reason I said I understand why it's happening. I bought Callbar and Lockdown Pro this morning.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 5, 2010
My biggest beef is the general lack of trials for many.

So I end up thinking "hey this tweak might do what I need..." spend $5, and realized 5 minutes later that it does not do what I need at all. $5 gone and wasted.


macrumors 68020
Jun 20, 2010
And I'd say my $12 is well spent on iBlacklist. I own my phones for at least 18 months and sometimes two years, but even if I turned them over dearly and paid for a new license every time, that's $1 a month to be able to never be interrupted by a telemarketer.

Hell yes, I'll pay that. Would I like it to be cheaper? Of course. But this software genuinely works, unlike Apple's current "solution" for call blocking or the government's do not call list, and given how many calls I get nowadays that are the audio equivalent of spam, I didn't flinch at buying it again last month.

Sorry, but I'm firmly in the camp of devs and designers have to eat too. If there's a well crafted tweak that fits a need I have, I'll pay for it.

I'd willingly shell out $20 right now to have biteSMS back about now...


macrumors 6502a
Apr 5, 2010
My biggest beef is the general lack of trials for many.

So I end up thinking "hey this tweak might do what I need..." spend $5, and realized 5 minutes later that it does not do what I need at all. $5 gone and wasted.

I should clarify, I will happily pay for tweaks that I use and enjoy... I have multiple tweaks on my phone that are well worth the money.


macrumors G4
Jul 16, 2010
ny somewhere
i've tried a few things i had to buy first that i opted to NOT use; and bought one app that didn't work at all.

but i try to look at it as a balance, for all the free tweaks that make my iphone experience so much better than it was pre jb'd...


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 16, 2008
I've said it before about the AppStore and could apply to Cydia. Even if they don't choose to offer a trial, offer me a a refund that's good for 5 minutes. I bought that Nintype keyboard the other day for $5 and after 5 minutes I removed it. Uninstalled.
As you stated, I understand they have to eat and this isn't a thread to complain I have to pay. Just was shocked to see that 75% of what I used that was free costs now.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 5, 2010
i've tried a few things i had to buy first that i opted to NOT use; and bought one app that didn't work at all.

but i try to look at it as a balance, for all the free tweaks that make my iphone experience so much better than it was pre jb'd...

That's generally how I look at it, as well. But also it keeps me away from more expensive tweaks, generally, unless there is a trial. (I think ISX had one, for example... used it, liked it, bought it)


macrumors 604
Apr 10, 2008
And I'd say my $12 is well spent on iBlacklist. I own my phones for at least 18 months and sometimes two years, but even if I turned them over dearly and paid for a new license every time, that's $1 a month to be able to never be interrupted by a telemarketer.

Hell yes, I'll pay that. Would I like it to be cheaper? Of course. But this software genuinely works, unlike Apple's current "solution" for call blocking or the government's do not call list, and given how many calls I get nowadays that are the audio equivalent of spam, I didn't flinch at buying it again last month.

Sorry, but I'm firmly in the camp of devs and designers have to eat too. If there's a well crafted tweak that fits a need I have, I'll pay for it.

I'd willingly shell out $20 right now to have biteSMS back about now...

what does iBlacklist do differently that the native iOS call block and message block dont do?

serious question since I haven't used iblacklist in years.


macrumors 68020
Jun 20, 2010
what does iBlacklist do differently that the native iOS call block and message block dont do?

serious question since I haven't used iblacklist in years.

Block "unknown caller" and numbers blocked from the caller's end
Choose whether or not the caller reaches voicemail
Selectively block calls versus texts versus FaceTime (which I don't use myself, but others find handy)

The first two are the big ones for me. If I don't know you, I don't want to even hear the phone ring once. Leave me a message if it's that's important--and if it's that important, people will.

I'd settle for Apple's DND function 24/7, set to Always and allow Favorites...but it blocks all other notifications, which isn't practical. So I still end up going with iBlacklist.


macrumors 604
Apr 10, 2008
Block "unknown caller" and numbers blocked from the caller's end
Choose whether or not the caller reaches voicemail
Selectively block calls versus texts versus FaceTime (which I don't use myself, but others find handy)

The first two are the big ones for me. If I don't know you, I don't want to even hear the phone ring once. Leave me a message if it's that's important--and if it's that important, people will.

I'd settle for Apple's DND function 24/7, set to Always and allow Favorites...but it blocks all other notifications, which isn't practical. So I still end up going with iBlacklist.

Yeah that is more useful. It's kind of like Apples attempt at giving us quick reply, its lacking severely compared to bitesms.


macrumors 68000
Aug 4, 2010
I don't buy expensive tweaks unless they offer a trial because you simply never know if they'll do what they're supposed to. They could conflict with another tweak etc. Or just be generally crappy.

But I'd also happily shell out for another licence to get BiteSMS back.


macrumors 6502
Jul 7, 2013
I don't have a problem paying for tweaks. What I do have a problem with is paying for updates, and we're not talking $0.99 here...

Or when it's buggy or not everything works, you've paid for it, and the developer disappears only to reappear down the road when a new iOS number drops and they charge again for their tweak.


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 16, 2008
I just bit the bullet and paid the $12 for iBlacklist. Probably the most I've ever spent on an app.
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