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macrumors 68040
Feb 11, 2012
Florida, USA
Yes the ipad3 is just as good today as it was yesterday. BUT, it's is worth less.

The key here is depreciation, I assume that an Apple product in this category lasts around a year before it's replaced by a newer product. It's not about having the latest is that while it's the latest it still has a higher resale value.

Releasing something in 7 months rather that 12, has suddenly depreciated the iPad 3 much faster than normal.

So there is a genuine quantifiable reason for iPad 3 owners to be unhappy.

Apple should consider an upgrade program in which you can pay a reasonable amount to upgrade to the new iPad.

Your 3rd gen iPad is like COBOL and the lightning connector is like Y2K. There's going to be a demand for the 3rd generation model precisely because it's not the latest and greatest. People with drawers full of 30-Pin cables are going to want to use those cables as long as they can. So long as you don't try to scam them into paying the full price, you can get a good trade-in value for your vintage 3rd gen iPad.

It's even better if YOU are the one with the drawer full of 30-pin cables. Since Apple probably won't refresh again for another year, you can keep your iPad 3rd gen for 18 months instead of 12 before selling it. You might even get a few bucks more for all those cables you won't be needing any longer.


macrumors 68000
Mar 24, 2010
I'd be lying if I said that I'm not disappointed, I am, but this is normal for any company to do. Sure I expected Apple to keep it 1 year, but it isn't the end of the world. I'm not even sure I'd want to replace my iPad with a 4. Back in 2008, a similar thing happened with my MacBook Pro on the last week of February (26th), and replaced with the unibody model in early October. I ordered my laptop on June 26th, and received it July something. Same deal, I was disappointed, but it isn't the end of the world.


macrumors member
Oct 21, 2011
Just fyi, the Apple Store at Covent Garden in London is following this policy. I purchased my iPad 3 (WiFi 16GB) exactly 2 weeks ago, and I went in today and they told me there'd be no problem exchanging it for an iPad 4 on launch day.


macrumors 68020
Mar 1, 2010
Anyone who buys a piece of tech as an investment is an idiot. If you were worried about losing value on that money you should have left it in your pocket. Or better yet, spent it on Apple stock.

Great explanation. Technology advances way too quickly to expect it to wait around for users who want longer product cycles. Get a new one if your old one is getting worn out or does not do what you need.


macrumors 68030
Apr 21, 2010
Don't the 3rd and 4th iPad have the same display?

Yep... just kidding. They're both pretty nice tablets, and I bet Apple will apply the same iOS feature/upgrade policies for both models.

There were demand for retina displays, so Apple just delivered a retina tablet with the processing power available at that time.


macrumors 6502
Jun 8, 2011
Well, I've called apple care today and they said that all the 3rd generation iPads bought in Apple stores at least 30 days from yesterday can be exchanged free of charge.
Regarding resellers, it will boil down to them. I got mine from an authorised reseller and they're very friendly (they replaced the first one I got which had a ridiculous amount of dead pixels even though they weren't obliged to), so I've emailed them today and they said they'd first check with Aplle before they made their decision.

I will have my current ipad replaced anyway when I get back to London because I've spotted another dead pixel and there's really bad light leaking on the top (looks like that light which appeared when Knight Rider's Kit would speak...).

If I can't have it replaced here where I got it, I'll take it to an Apple Store and play the unhappy customer "it's very upsetting that I got this model for it to be obsolete 3 weeks later and on top of everything it came with manufacturing defects" and see if I can come out with the new one. If not, I'll be happy with a 3 without these embarrassing screen defects.


macrumors 65816
May 8, 2010
West Midlands, England.
Bought my partner an iPad 3 for her birthday just 2 weeks ago.
Called my local store (Bullring Birmingham) and they are allowing people to return their iPad 3's for up to 6 weeks for a full refund.

Then you can just go and buy the 4th gen when they are released.

Relieved :D


macrumors member
Nov 15, 2011
51.5799259, -0.2282228
Can anyone shed some light on my situation.

Bought an iPad last month (19th September) while I was in the USA, brought it back to the UK.

Very disappointed at what apple have done.

Going back to the USA is NOT an option. Do you think Apple UK will take it back?



macrumors 6502
Jun 8, 2011
Can anyone shed some light on my situation.

Bought an iPad last month (19th September) while I was in the USA, brought it back to the UK.

Very disappointed at what apple have done.

Going back to the USA is NOT an option. Do you think Apple UK will take it back?


Well, if you got it then, you're still under complimentary Apple Care. Give them a call and explain the situation.

What I wonder is how they'll deal with people within the time frame they mention but who got their iPads in countries without Apple Retail Stores. For instance, I'm within the 30 days but I got mine in the Republic Of Ireland which has no Apple Retail Stores. I think they should extend the replacement programme to these cases too, or send the resellers some instructions.
It's not fair that only people who got their iPads in the apple store can have them replaced. No one should have them replaced anyway, but since apple has decided to replace those bought in their retail stores, they should replace everyone's. It doesn't matter where you bought it, the fact is you bought one of their products which now they are offering to replace and upgrade for free.


macrumors member
Nov 15, 2011
51.5799259, -0.2282228
Well, if you got it then, you're still under complimentary Apple Care. Give them a call and explain the situation.

What I wonder is how they'll deal with people within the time frame they mention but who got their iPads in countries without Apple Retail Stores. For instance, I'm within the 30 days but I got mine in the Republic Of Ireland which has no Apple Retail Stores. I think they should extend the replacement programme to these cases too, or send the resellers some instructions.
It's not fair that only people who got their iPads in the apple store can have them replaced. No one should have them replaced anyway, but since apple has decided to replace those bought in their retail stores, they should replace everyone's. It doesn't matter where you bought it, the fact is you bought one of their products which now they are offering to replace and upgrade for free.

Well I've just spoken to someone at Apple. Very nice chap, he is going to send my questions to senior management. I hope to get a reply.

Fingers crossed - lets see what happens



macrumors 65816
Jun 20, 2010
Anyone who buys a piece of tech as an investment is an idiot. If you were worried about losing value on that money you should have left it in your pocket. Or better yet, spent it on Apple stock. Maybe after all of the whiners grow up a little and reflect on this, they will begin to realize how silly it really is to sit around waiting breathlessly for the next update to run out and buy it. Nothing wrong with buying the latest and greatest. But do it because it brings something to that you need, not just because it is new.

I bought an iPad 1 because I liked the features. But I wasn't going to have an AT&T anything, so I went with WiFi. When the iPad 2 came out with VZ, but no LTE, I didn't buy it, because the tech wasn't worth the cost to me. So I waited for the LTE VZ iPad 3. I'm happy with it. I'm no less happy with it now that there will be another model.

Same with the 4S and 5. I bought a 4S because I wanted Siri. I bought a 5 because I wanted LTE. If the next version of iPhone doesn't have compelling tech I will stick to my 5, because it serves my needs.

Don't buy tech with the thought of getting rid of it in a year. If you do, you're just chasing your tail. Buy tech because it serves a purpose.

I don't think anyone buys Apple stuff as an investment as an investment makes money.

But Apple stuff does hold it's resell value better than similar products. What happened yesterday dropped the resell value of their device a whole lot sooner than in the past.

Apple never promised a 1 yr refresh but if you look at the past trends you would think a 1yr refresh would be a safe bet.

I'm guessing Apple wants to move all their idevices to a fall release. I would be surprised if they released another iPad in spring 2013


macrumors regular
Dec 13, 2009
ha ha ha

I can't believe that Apple have pulled this!!!!

I thought it was a lackluster upgrade in March! I mean the screen, a bit of a camera and dictation, all running at the same speed and the iPad 2.

Apple, bring out a half update, the the rest 6 months later.... riiiiiiiip-offf


macrumors regular
Jun 25, 2010
Your iPad 3 runs just the same today as it did yesterday.


Because... (I'll keep it simple)

A5X = dead.



It's not even filtered through to a lower tier device. It's gone baby. Expect to see the iPad 2 performing better than the iPad 3, retina display aside. SO... while it may continue to perform great, don't expect performance thrills in the next 3-6 months onwards. Do you think the scumbags at cHair will care you have an iPad 3 for their next Infinity Blade game? No chance, it'll be optimised for the high and low ends.

Welcome to the Tim Cook Apple. You line up to buy the latest Apple gear like clockwork, that clock is going to spin faster. We only have ourselves to blame... no wait... I buy once every few years when I can afford it...
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macrumors member
Apr 20, 2011
Its a good thing they are doing this, especially with how most people probably didnt have a clue they were gonna update the 9.7 ipad at this event


macrumors regular
Jun 25, 2010
Also, I have schwung a cheeky return on my iPad 3, 30 days old @ Manchester Trafford Centre. They don't have stock of 4's in yet of course, so I got a voucher for the 2nd. Manager was totally understanding, really nice about it, but then, the UK does have 30 day return laws whether Apple likes it or not. No need to press the legal pitch today though, so that was nice. Bring on A6X! Sorry for anyone caught out, though give it a shot at a return (might as well), and be as nice as pie about it.


macrumors 68030
Dec 30, 2010
I just do not understand the complaints. If you bought an Ipad3 on or before Monday of this week, you bought it because you felt it was a reasonable purchase.

If Apple had not come out with a better unit for another 6-12 or even 24 months, you would of been happy.

Just because something better came out on Tuesday does not change what you bought one bit.

I do understand you would like the newer, better one. Emotional, that makes sense. But, if getting upset or made at Apple is the case, you should never, ever, ever buy anything that might be upgraded in the future.

This stuff is insane.


macrumors regular
Jun 25, 2010
I just do not understand the complaints. If you bought an Ipad3 on or before Monday of this week, you bought it because you felt it was a reasonable purchase.

If Apple had not come out with a better unit for another 6-12 or even 24 months, you would of been happy.

Just because something better came out on Tuesday does not change what you bought one bit.

I do understand you would like the newer, better one. Emotional, that makes sense. But, if getting upset or made at Apple is the case, you should never, ever, ever buy anything that might be upgraded in the future.

This stuff is insane.

As I posted above, many people here are forgetting one tiny detail.

A5X = obsolete.

Actually, literally, obsolete. No more market distribution.

Ergo, less of an incentive to optimise apps for it, leading to (in all likelihood) worse performance in 6 months time than even the iPad 2.


macrumors member
Feb 8, 2012
Also, I have schwung a cheeky return on my iPad 3, 30 days old @ Manchester Trafford Centre. They don't have stock of 4's in yet of course, so I got a voucher for the 2nd. Manager was totally understanding, really nice about it, but then, the UK does have 30 day return laws whether Apple likes it or not. No need to press the legal pitch today though, so that was nice. Bring on A6X! Sorry for anyone caught out, though give it a shot at a return (might as well), and be as nice as pie about it.

Can you pls give me more details about these 30 days return law?

I have an iPad3 bought on the 5th of October from a Premium Apple Reseller but they don't want to accept a return, they only accept for 14 days and unopened...

I should have bought from the Apple Store I know, but this Premium Reseller is just round the corner and I didn't check the return policy, my mistake I know.


macrumors newbie
Jul 31, 2012
Had 3 about 2 months...

I think there will be a spring upgrade, because they can sell anything at a high price to a certain group of people and they have the numbers to back it up, so the most you can hope for is maybe six months to feel like you have the best one yet.


macrumors 68000
Jul 23, 2008
Beach Cities, CA

Because... (I'll keep it simple)

A5X = dead.



It's not even filtered through to a lower tier device. It's gone baby. Expect to see the iPad 2 performing better than the iPad 3, retina display aside. SO... while it may continue to perform great, don't expect performance thrills in the next 3-6 months onwards. Do you think the scumbags at cHair will care you have an iPad 3 for their next Infinity Blade game? No chance, it'll be optimised for the high and low ends.

Welcome to the Tim Cook Apple. You line up to buy the latest Apple gear like clockwork, that clock is going to spin faster. We only have ourselves to blame... no wait... I buy once every few years when I can afford it...

So, wait, let me see if I'm reading this clearly. You're saying that the iPad 2 will now be better than the iPad 3 because of the iPad 3. While the A5X chip wasn't leaps and bounds better than the A5 chip, it was still better as is the additional RAM. Now, the screen, that's up to a person's personal decision.

Regardless, while the A5X chip will no longer be in any iPads in production anymore and will just have the A5 doesn't mean developers will just forget about it. High to Low? Don't you have to cross to get to the middle? Unless of course you can jump from one to the other. To satisfy cost and product differentiation, noticeable changes had to be done between what will now be the iPad 2 and iPad 4.

Yes, I have a iPad 3, but it honestly gets used once or twice a week. It was used more the first month I got it, then its allure just disappeared. But then again, I just used it for netflix, browsing and light writing, sometimes simple games. For me, a negligible change in the chip serves no purpose for me to get into it again. It's not an investment, I don't put it on my tax return as such. I don't care about it's resale value, I would rather just give it to a family member.


macrumors regular
Jun 25, 2010
Can you pls give me more details about these 30 days return law?

I have an iPad3 bought on the 5th of October from a Premium Apple Reseller but they don't want to accept a return, they only accept for 14 days and unopened...

I should have bought from the Apple Store I know, but this Premium Reseller is just round the corner and I didn't check the return policy, my mistake I know.

Look here ^^

You can try claiming the iPad 3 is now not fit for purpose, which is a long shot, based on the reasons I stated above - the A5X is out of production indefinitely, so will unlikely to be as fully supported by devs in the medium to long term future. Ultimately, Apple have a rep to maintain, and I had planned quite a public spectacle in the crowded shop if I didn't get my way. They hate bad press, but Re-sellers may not care as much. I'd do some research from the link above, but yes, you are within your rights to return an item in a 30 day window so long as it's in breach of the fit for purpose rule, undamaged and re-sellable. Obviously the guy you spoke to simply didn't want to accept it back, but neither him nor Apple are above the law and I think there's a good case here if argued politely, logically, and calmly without causing a scene.


So, wait, let me see if I'm reading this clearly. You're saying that the iPad 2 will now be better than the iPad 3 because of the iPad 3. While the A5X chip wasn't leaps and bounds better than the A5 chip, it was still better as is the additional RAM. Now, the screen, that's up to a person's personal decision.

Regardless, while the A5X chip will no longer be in any iPads in production anymore and will just have the A5 doesn't mean developers will just forget about it. High to Low? Don't you have to cross to get to the middle? Unless of course you can jump from one to the other. To satisfy cost and product differentiation, noticeable changes had to be done between what will now be the iPad 2 and iPad 4.

Yes, I have a iPad 3, but it honestly gets used once or twice a week. It was used more the first month I got it, then its allure just disappeared. But then again, I just used it for netflix, browsing and light writing, sometimes simple games. For me, a negligible change in the chip serves no purpose for me to get into it again. It's not an investment, I don't put it on my tax return as such. I don't care about it's resale value, I would rather just give it to a family member.

Clearly, I'm not going to win you over to my opinion. The bottom line is that the iPad 3's lifespan has been severely dented, like it or not, by the death of the A5X. The speed enhancement of the chip isn't as powerful enough as it needs to be to run the Retina display at full pelt in the same manner the A5 runs the non-retina. This is simple truth.


macrumors 6502
Jun 8, 2011
UPDATE: back from my reseller. Returned my iPad 3 bought 28 days ago. Full refund and no argue whatsoever. It helped that it was in mint condition and had a dead pixel and severe light leaking on the top.

I hope the QC for the 4th gen is much tighter and that these annoying issues with the screens don't happen anymore.

Good luck to all others who got their devices in the last couple of weeks through resellers.
Without wanting to sound patronizing: aggressiveness and anger won't take you anywhere. Speak politely, invoke customer rights above which not even Apple is, and you're likely to get results.


macrumors regular
Mar 7, 2007
UPDATE: back from my reseller. Returned my iPad 3 bought 28 days ago. Full refund and no argue whatsoever. It helped that it was in mint condition and had a dead pixel and severe light leaking on the top ts.

That's great news. Enjoy your brand new iPad 4 when released.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 20, 2012
London, UK
So when the iPhone 4s came out the cry was 'meh, minor spec bump I'm not buying it' but when this new iPad which is arguably a minor spec bump comes out the same people are saying 'Noooo, I have been ripped off, my version is no good any more'. Some even referring to that their iPad3 as 'now obsolete'. What goes on in these peoples heads?

The way I see it Apple wanted to change their release schedule to get the new iPads out before Christmas and this year was a good time to do it because they also had the added need to get rid of the old 30pin connector on all current devices.


i wonder if they'll still serve you 3rd gen ipads if you break it and use your applecare+ ADH.

Why not, applecare+ entitles you to a replacement for the device you have not an 'upgrade' to the latest version. If there are no 3rd gen left you would get the 4th but otherwise not, and guess what, you would be no worse off.
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