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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 7, 2020
In our family (different accounts, same family), we have an iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone XS, iPad, M1 Macbook Air. The new music settings for Spatial Audio and lossless music don't show up on any of these devices. They are all on the latest production OS versions. They all have Apple Music subscriptions via the family plan. The accounts are all in the India region, but the devices are all in Thailand.

I have tried
  1. Rebooting the devices
  2. Toggling Off/On the options inside the settings->Music section
  3. Trying 5G and WiFi
  4. Signing out of and back into the iCloud accounts
  5. I even factory reset my iPhone and set it up from scratch
Nothing gets the new music options to show up. Anyone else in the same boat as me?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 7, 2020

Looks like it hasn't been rolled out in India (Account store region set to India) yet. Well, will have to wait.
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