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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 11, 2022

I consider updating from my mbp2011 to a mbp m2pro 32 gb ram 1b. For most of my tasks (texts, work with large pdf files, windows via parallels), I would like to have 32 gb ram, I expect to use the machine for at least seven years. In Europe, the mbp m2pro costs 3600 EUR; the mac mini M2 pro 32 gb ram 1 tb costs 2200 EUR. With the 1400 EUR not spent on the mac mini, I could buy in addition to the mac mini a mba m1 16 gb or a mba m2 8b in order to get the portability which a mac mini is missing and which I do not want to miss. I save my files in icloud, so the idea would be that I do not necessarily have to have all my files saved on my portable machine.

If your budget is the price of a mbp m2pro 32 gb ram 1 tb, would you spend it on the mpb m2pro or on the mac mini m2pro +mba combination? Would working on two devices be too cumbersome? Would you prefer the combination bc you prefer carrying around a mba rather than a 3600 EUR device?
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