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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 10, 2013
Until 1/23/14, Sprint is offering their 2GB data plan $15 / month. I realize Sprint is pretty crappy outside of the major metropolitan areas but for those who are in LTE areas, it is not a bad deal.

For someone like myself who has the AT&T unlimited data plan on the iPhone (thus not allowing me to tether my iPhone to the iPad), this is actually a pretty good deal.

I contacted AT&T customer service asking if they can match the offer but of course those *******s tried to tell me to switch to their mobile shared data plan - why in the F would I want to pay $40 more per month and only have 4GB of data.

You would think AT&T would do more to retain their customer base - especially since I have been with them since the PacBell days (which then became Cingular and now AT&T)

Sorry AT&T, I am not letting go out of that unlimited data plan and if they keep this money gouging ways, I'll switch over to T-Mobile (which is actually quite fast in my area).
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