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Rico Muerte

macrumors member
Original poster
May 19, 2020
Sydney, Australia
Hi guys...

So today I logged into Steam to update/launch ESO, & I noticed on the top RH side of the Steam window a notice that Steam would no longer be supported in 48 days from the posting of this thread:

Screen Shot 2023-12-29 at 7.57.02 pm.png

Upon clicking on the notice, I was taken to this page:

Screen Shot 2023-12-29 at 8.00.24 pm.png

So in plain english, it seems that Valve will no longer "support" Steam on 10.14 (I'm on Mojave), & therefore games will/may not be playable?
It's not very specific & so I wonder if it's a bit of a scare tactic...?

Having said that, I have about 30 or so games in my library, most of which I couldnt care less about or have never played...I do have & want to keep ESO, HL2 & all the episodes, Bioshock 1 & 2, Left for Dead, Amnesia, Soma, & 7 Days to Die...a few Ive never played, & others I've played a few hrs at best..ESO & HL2 would be priorities tho...

So my question is this - assuming at some point in the near future my Steam stops working there a way to play the games without Steam?...

Any insight would be appreciated...
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