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Simon R.

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 25, 2006
I wrote about this at the time the newest EFI update for Mac Pro came out (about december I believe). I let time go by, but wanted to give it another shot. So I tried, and still it won't update. It just shows that progress bar for a split second and reboots, instead of updating. If I didn't have any use for BootCamp, I really wouldn't mind, but I guess I won't be able to use BootCamp in its current or upcoming revisions - at least I can't be sure that everything will work alright, so I really need to make this work. I wonder what the h*ll Apple did that causes this... it's really strange.

I could call Apple, but as far as I know, I would have to PAY for their support, since I didn't subscribe to any AppleCare thing, right?
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