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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 9, 2020
I need help. I have no idea where to go to learn how to get to the next steps at getting the internal DAC on the G4 cube working. I need resources.

Firstly, documentation on how to program for the Cube chipset and openfirmware. Then how to disassemble the cube firmware that's available online. Next how to dump the cube firmware directly, including the parts that initially load openfirmware. That's the Mac specific stuff.

I also need to learn how to properly do signal analysis so when I hook the scope up to the cube I'll be able to understand what I'm seeing. How to use the i2c protocols to talk to the DAC, etc...

Any help pointing me to resources, documentation, tutorials, guides, anything that will help me figure out these things would be greatly appreciated.
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