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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 24, 2013
New Orleans
There is 23GB of 'other' space unaccounted for. Also when I watch iTunes videos i purchased (just clicking the video to start streaming, not clicking the iCloud icon to download it first) the video is stored on my iPad as 'video' storage without the ability to delete it. I'd rather not explore the reset-restore-rejailbreak-retweak-reupload route to see if it helps.

So I want to know if there is a file explorer tweak that determines the usage space of each app and its metadata (settings > usage tells me Im using 100GB but adding up all the apps listed only adds to about 50GB) with the ability to delete. Or better yet, if there is a cleaner tweak that is compatible with iOS 8.

Any suggestions on tweak appreciated.

Ran iCleaner, cleared up 2GB of my "other" storage and I think i found the location of all of these streamed videos from iTunes: var/mobile/Media/CloudAssets. Found and deleted about 16GB of files. Now my other section is 8GB instead of 23GB! Im very content with the 1/3 reduction. Now Im just curious to find out what the other 8 is taking up since that is still a pretty hefty amount

NOTE: I used mobileTerminal and "find . -size +500M -print" code to identify files of over 500MB and their locations (you can enter "100M" for 100MB and so on). iFile to delete them.
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macrumors regular
Jan 23, 2015
'Other' is just unclassified as well as overhead and OS data.
Cached streamed media will clear out as needed. It doesn't really 'stream' directly. It downloads and then plays accordingly but it'll generally go away just fine.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 24, 2013
New Orleans
You can try iCleaner

Thanks! It did clear up 2GB.

'Other' is just unclassified as well as overhead and OS data.
Cached streamed media will clear out as needed. It doesn't really 'stream' directly. It downloads and then plays accordingly but it'll generally go away just fine.

I guess the question would be, how do I determine what this unclassified information is. All of the save data from my apps are being listed under applications (adding up the storage in my usage is about equal to what iTunes determines to be my apps).

Actually now my videos have shrunken down, but my "other" just expanded to 53GB. So some of this should've been residual streamed videos that will go away over time? I have gotten an error message of "storage almost full" some time ago when trying to stream another video from iTunes.

EDIT: I think i found the location of all of these streamed videos from iTunes: var/mobile/Media/CloudAssets. Found and deleted about 16GB of files. Now my other section is 8GB instead of 23GB! Im very content with the 1/3 reduction. Now Im just curious to find out what the other 8 is taking up since that is still a pretty hefty amount
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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 24, 2013
New Orleans
Imessage attachments? These can be a real pain

That was what I was thinking. There are a number of videos that were sent thru iMessages. iCleaner can do this, but I chose not to because Id like to keep the pictures but delete the videos. I may do this manually one day.


macrumors 6502
Aug 26, 2008
That was what I was thinking. There are a number of videos that were sent thru iMessages. iCleaner can do this, but I chose not to because Id like to keep the pictures but delete the videos. I may do this manually one day.


You can email yourself your text messages then delete the whole string saving space. Just a suggestion.
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