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Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
I'm impressed they've managed to narrow the date down to a specific year.....

My guess is that by 2200 you'll pretty much be able to choose the hair color of your kid, so blondes will be around for much longer and we don't have to put them on the endangered species list.... :rolleyes:



macrumors 68020
Sep 18, 2001
Denver, CO
Originally posted by dukestreet
I'm impressed they've managed to narrow the date down to a specific year.....

Well, I'm sure the conclusion is that it will take 200 years. Nice round number. Adding 200 to the current year to arrive at a specific year is something a mainstream writer does because the specificity sounds more interesting.


macrumors 68020
Dec 3, 2001
A new study by German researchers claims that people with blonde hair comprise an endangered species that will become extinct by 2202.

2 simple question

Jessica Alba or Alicia Silverstone ?

Salma Hayek or Melissa Joan Hart ?

I think brunettes are usually far more attractive than blondes, at least most girls I've known are. It's even more apparent in film and TV.

In my opinion anyway (sorry if this seems sexist).


macrumors regular
Feb 2, 2002
Originally posted by barkmonster

2 simple question

Jessica Alba or Alicia Silverstone ?

Salma Hayek or Melissa Joan Hart ?

I think brunettes are usually far more attractive than blondes, at least most girls I've known are. It's even more apparent in film and TV.

In my opinion anyway (sorry if this seems sexist).

So you pick two brunettes that are far more attractive than the two blondes that you pick. How about Anna Kournikova? Natasha Henstridge? Reese? Man I really could go on forever. If you're going to compare one of the best brunettes (salma kayek) to someone...let's not do it to a teenage witch (even though she is cute). Come on now!! :D

Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
You really can't pick any one blond or brunette to uphold the beauty issue here (and what about redheads?)

And its all personal preference - personally I like that there is more than just one natural hair color. I wouldn't want it all to blur and mix so that we end up with just a single choice....but I'm married, so I really shouldn't get too involved here ;)



macrumors 65816
Jan 31, 2002
Hey, thank God Im not blonde, so this means that I will be around even after 2202 :D

At least then I could reach the 10,000 posts mark.:rolleyes:

Sun Baked

macrumors G5
May 19, 2002
Originally posted by pimentoLoaf
Can we creatively degenerate this thread with blonde jokes?

Q: Why do men like blonde jokes?

A: Because they can't understand anything more complex.


macrumors 68030
Jan 9, 2002
Ha ha haaa!
Originally posted by cr2sh
by 2200 everything is going to be extinct... everyone say "thank you fossil fuels." :(

The quicker we develop and adopt other forms of energy, the safer that situation will be. I'm going to remain a bit more hopeful than that...


macrumors 68030
May 28, 2002
we have othe forms of energy production, but the archaic fossil fuels remain #1... why? fusion/fision has been a better solution for a long time, and solar power yet an even better solution.. but still, we love the petro...
in 50 years when we tell our grandkids stories about what it was like when we were young, and there was this thing called "snow" we'll feel like total asses... i agree with you, we have to be optimistic that itll get better, but we've f*cked this planet up enough, can we try something else now, please?

also, blondes are hotter than brunettes...


macrumors 6502a
Feb 13, 2002
Originally posted by cr2sh
we have othe forms of energy production, but the archaic fossil fuels remain #1... why? fusion/fision has been a better solution for a long time, and solar power yet an even better solution.. but still, we love the petro...
in 50 years when we tell our grandkids stories about what it was like when we were young, and there was this thing called "snow" we'll feel like total asses... i agree with you, we have to be optimistic that itll get better, but we've f*cked this planet up enough, can we try something else now, please?

also, blondes are hotter than brunettes...

I agree on the issue but at this point it is not ecomical to use solar power. I like wind power and solar power but both cost more to start up than fossil fuel powered plants. Solar panels are far to expensive right now, and it takes too many too create enery on a large scale so as to supply energy for cities. Wind power is becoming a feasible but the startup costs in buying hundreds of large windmills is still too much. Nuclear power (fission) is the best feasible source we are currently using; however, the problem of disposal of reacted material and the apprehension of people have limited its use. You mentioned fusion, but scientists have not yet beenable to achieve fusion (at least not on a large scale or consistently). Fusion is far cleaner because it does not require radioactive isotopes like the uranium in fission. Fusion also yields far more energy.

However I have to disagree with you and say that brunettes are hotter than blondes (except for a few blondes).


macrumors 65816
Jan 3, 2002
All I have to say is that who ever wrote that article had NO idea what they were on about.

Since when is it the genes held by grandparents that makes a difference to children? All 4 grandparents could hold 1 blond recessive gene but not pass it on. What matters is whether both parents hold the blond gene. Even if both parents were not blond, as long as they hold the gene then the child can be blond.

Also, how the hell could the blonde population be declining because men are more attracted to bottle blondes???? It is not like the parents of a child decide when the child is developing in the womb that their child will have brown hair so that they make a better bottle blonde.

As for red heads, I could not agree more... I LOVE red heads but the unfortunate fact that they are also made from a recessive gene and seem to be on the decline..... probably because men prefer bottle brunettes to red heads
;) ;) ;)


macrumors regular
May 2, 2002
Originally posted by GetSome681

So you pick two brunettes that are far more attractive than the two blondes that you pick. How about Anna Kournikova? Natasha Henstridge? Reese? Man I really could go on forever. If you're going to compare one of the best brunettes (salma kayek) to someone...let's not do it to a teenage witch (even though she is cute). Come on now!! :D

britney spears and christina aguilera?? and they're whooas too :D


macrumors 68030
Jan 18, 2002
behind you
you guys are debating something that is futile.

Blonds cannot and will not ever be an endangered species, because....well, they ARE NOT A SPECIES.

They are the same exact species as everyone else, but with blond hair.

There is no seperate "blond species" it doesnt matter, and the writer is an idiot and doesnt know what hes talking about.

Anyway, none of us will be alive then....

Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
and we're all forgetting the most important part - blondes usually come from a bottle anyway, so they might not be 'natural' but who cares......



macrumors 6502
Jun 5, 2002
Fusion is a reality today, well almost...

Originally posted by Vector

You mentioned fusion, but scientists have not yet beenable to achieve fusion (at least not on a large scale or consistently). Fusion is far cleaner because it does not require radioactive isotopes like the uranium in fission. Fusion also yields far more energy.

Scientists have been able to achieve fusion for quite some time. They just cannot figure out how to control it to make anything other than a bomb. :D

The earlier claims of cold fusion are suspect. Some skeptical scientists have claimed that the tiny amount of energy generated could have come from larger chemical reactions.

In my opinion, fossil fuels will be extinct before we can gather energy from any fusion reaction besides our sun. The only evidence we have for sustained fusion reactions require masses and pressures on a scale that are unthinkable for a earth-bound environment.:(


macrumors 601
Jan 3, 2002
San Destin Florida
Brunettes! Salma vs. any blonde. Especially the plastic little Anna. Why is everyone crazy about her. She isn't all that.

Brunettes are much more sexy. Salma, Sandra Bullock, Catherine Zeta Jones. Catherine Bell, Carmen Electra, Josie Maran. Think about it. How may truely hot and sexy, and beautiful blondes are there in hollywood?

Not slutty looking trash like Pam Anderson.

Oh, and 6 foot redheads too right Duke ;)


macrumors newbie
Jul 25, 2002
Finally somebody gets it...

Originally posted by dukestreet
and we're all forgetting the most important part - blondes usually come from a bottle anyway, so they might not be 'natural' but who cares......


Honestly, ultimately, does it matter if natural blonde hair as a recessive gene gets left at the wayside? Did any of you see the "25 Hottest Blondes" ranking on E! TV? Of the 25, maybe 5 of them were natural blondes. It doesn't matter even a little if a girl is a natural blonde or bottle blonde. No guy that I know cares! That's like asking if her chest is natural or "enhanced". Most guys just simply do not care!
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