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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 14, 2019
Hi all, I have an external HD formatted APFS and encrypted with file vault 2. I never had any issues, once you plug the HD you type the FV2 password and works like it should. I used it yesterday and then again 5 hours later: this time I entered the password and I got asked again like I typed it wrong. I did it again, the prompt went away but the disk never got mounted. With disk utility you can see the disk but you can’t mount it. When you try first aid you get error 8. Disk utility shows the name the fact that is encrypted the device and it says that owners is disabled. The disk works and when you type mount you hear it spinning then nothing happens.
If you physically unplug it and plug it back in it won’t ask for the password to decrypt it, you will have to restart the Mac with makes me believe it might a software issue. Any thoughts?
My external drive suddenly won’t mount anymore. Disk seems working.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 19, 2010
you will have to restart the Mac with makes me believe it might a software issue. Any thoughts?
My external drive suddenly won’t mount anymore. Disk seems working.

But when you restart, it works right?
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