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macrumors 6502a
Mar 28, 2013
Worst part about this keyboard, is that it requires full access for word prediction... which means the keyboard is no longer sandboxed.



This keyboard is also completely free, which begs the question how are they making money. They are probably data-minning the words we type. Like Apple said we are its product.

A keylogger and blame Apple that thier credit cards was hacked.

I dont know if this is a nature in Android phones.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 28, 2013
I was also concerned about the full access, but I wanted to try it out so I went ahead and give it access and on facebook. Works awesome. That said, I just deleted the app because as people said, it is a keylogger, going to another country, and the privacy policy shows it dats collection is not anonymous and does not say anything about not selling that data.

That said, the apple keyboard is not that great. I will give it a try and maybe it will get better, but swift key learns much faster. I will have to look into Swipe because I do like that swiping feature on the iPhone.

Giving it a try is also means your giving your old keyboard data.


I bet it'll get 999,993 deletes too :D

It still not bad since they get all previous keyboard data for this 999,993 too.


macrumors newbie
Nov 3, 2011
London, UK
it doesn't work with my gmail app - in the 'to' and 'cc/bcc' fields, it doesn't pull up email addresses...but as soon as you switch back to the main Apple keyboard, it works. argh, this might be a deal breaker for me...i guess I could use Mail but I really like the gmail app lol

It's an issue with all 3rd party keyboards, relates to Gmail using Javascript events that don't get triggered for 3rd party keyboards. Apple should fix this soon, there are radars for this.


macrumors newbie
Nov 3, 2011
London, UK
How is that being "so paranoid"? I also don't feel comfortable setting up basically a keylogger on my iPhone to send EVERYTHING I type to a 3rd party company.


they need to fix the issue with it not scrolling up when you use a third party keyboard, makes them unusable for me :(

There are radars filed with Apple about this, should be fixed soon.


Me too. This is one of those things that I heard was so awesome about Android and was interested in trying. I downloaded and tried Fleksy yesterday and just found it... not bad so much as not really compelling. It didn't seem to do anything that made me excited about it. Maybe I'm just not nerdy enough to realize what's awesome about these different keyboards. I used the standard iOS 8 Apple keyboard in beta for a few weeks, it got really good at figuring out what I was going to say from one letter (and sometimes no letters). I don't know how much better these could be than that.

Give SwiftKey a try:


Worst part about this keyboard, is that it requires full access for word prediction... which means the keyboard is no longer sandboxed.



This keyboard is also completely free, which begs the question how are they making money. They are probably data-minning the words we type. Like Apple said we are its product.

Full Access doesn't defeat sandboxing - it's purely whether the keyboard can talk to its container app. Find more here:


I saw that on one of them.. It said something like "even credit card information" and I immediately said nope.

That's Apple's wording. SwiftKey is designed to not learn sensitive information like this.

"You may encounter an alert when installing our Products on your device, warning that third-party keyboards may collect or log sensitive data such as passwords, credit card numbers or street addresses.

SwiftKey Products are designed not to receive, store or transmit any such sensitive data."

Our privacy policy:


macrumors newbie
Nov 3, 2011
London, UK
What I've noticed with swift is that the right arrow acts as a space bar when I am entering Web addresses, breaking the address... Shouldn't this be acting like the GO button in the apple keyboard? I've also noticed that things are still a little buggy. Otherwise, I am enjoying this style of input.

You have to tap the Go button twice, a platform limitation we're trying to work around atm.


macrumors regular
Sep 5, 2009
I really love swift key. However I hope it'll show some more keys on the iPhone 6 and 6 plus.

You don't have to sign in to Google or Facebook if you dont want to, this is only an optional step to improve the quality of your suggestions based on what you typed before.(just like on Android)

The safari go button problem is solved by disabling auto correction in the swift key settings.

I love that I can type German and English without switching the keyboard.


macrumors newbie
Nov 3, 2011
London, UK
Currently turned off on my devices. Apple has access to lots of things but at least I can point to them directly, than some third party company which in the fine print probably says your data is being sold, and your case won't hold anywhere in court.

"We will not sell your personal data to third parties." - from our privacy policy:

We're iOS users too. We respect your privacy and none of your typing leaves your device unless you enable SwiftKey Cloud for backup and sync.

The reason why our keyboard needs full access (which means ONLY that our keyboard can communicate with our app, nothing to do with sandboxing how some people above have speculated) is because the language engine lives in the container app, where you can download additional languages and change settings. If our keyboard cannot communicate with our app, none of this would be possible.

If you're interested in more info about full access, see our FAQ: And if you have any questions, see our support forums where all of these things are explained and discussed.

Apple doesn't make money selling your data and neither does SwiftKey.

But at the end of the day, it's always your choice whether you want to get a much better typing experience with SwiftKey or not. We're just trying to make a great product. Nobody's twisting your arm ;-)


SwiftKey is by far my favorite but i'm concerned about the full access so I deleted it and purchased Swype. It's going to take some getting used to. SwiftKey is much easier for me to use.

See here why we need full access to work (it just means that our keyboard can communicate with our app, so that when you download more languages in the app or change a theme, it can be reflected in the keyboard). Nothing you type leaves your device unless you explicitly take advantage of SwiftKey Cloud, which provides you with a backup and sync service, where all the data is encrypted.


Swype doesn't ask for full access, you just have to pay for the app. It's clear that the others are free because they're collecting data.

SwiftKey being free has nothing to do with collecting data. See our privacy policy:

tl;dr? We will NEVER sell your data to 3rd parties.


Exactly. If a product is free, ask yourself how they're making money. What is the product. Well, it's free, so the product is your data, and in this case, the things you type. I can't believe anyone would willingly install what amounts to a remote key logger on iOS, and frankly I'm surprised Apple allows network access from these. I'd classify this app as spyware.

SwiftKey being free doesn't have anything to do with collecting data. None of your typing leaves your device unless you opt-into SwiftKey Cloud which provides you with backup and sync. Completely optional (but pretty awesome, sync across multiple devices).

Our privacy policy clearly states, that we will never ever ever ever sell your data to 3rd parties:

And full access just means that you can download more languages in the app, that's why we need to be able to communicate between the keyboard and the app:

We take your privacy very seriously. We're iOS users as well.

If you ever have any questions, head to our support forums. But you might just want to give our keyboard a try first. The exploding popularity and star rating is no accident, it's the best keyboard out there :)


macrumors 6502
Sep 24, 2013
"We will not sell your personal data to third parties." - from our privacy policy:


If you ever have any questions, head to our support forums. But you might just want to give our keyboard a try first. The exploding popularity and star rating is no accident, it's the best keyboard out there :)

I'm assuming that you're implying that you are affiliated with Swiftkey? If yes, thank you for the re-clarification. Having used SwiftKey for years on Android - from it's public debut and without the cloud services, I'm surprised by the amount of flak this app has been getting over privacy concerns.


macrumors 68030
Dec 30, 2009
Worst part about this keyboard, is that it requires full access for word prediction... which means the keyboard is no longer sandboxed.



This keyboard is also completely free, which begs the question how are they making money. They are probably data-minning the words we type. Like Apple said we are its product.

I had my reservations and doubts when I'd get this message in Android, but Swiftkey is a reputable product. You just have to trust that they're not mining your data. I understand the concern as I had my own, but I believe now a days after over a year of use, it's a safe product to use.


macrumors newbie
Nov 3, 2011
London, UK
I was also concerned about the full access, but I wanted to try it out so I went ahead and give it access and on facebook. Works awesome. That said, I just deleted the app because as people said, it is a keylogger, going to another country, and the privacy policy shows it dats collection is not anonymous and does not say anything about not selling that data.

That said, the apple keyboard is not that great. I will give it a try and maybe it will get better, but swift key learns much faster. I will have to look into Swipe because I do like that swiping feature on the iPhone.

"We will not sell your personal data to third parties." right here:

None of your typing leaves your device unless you turn on SwiftKey Cloud, which gives you backup and sync, but is totally optional (but sync across my iPhone and iPad - pretty cool - no other keyboard has that). Even then, all data is encrypted and safe.

I'm glad you're liking SwiftKey. It really is the best keyboard out there. If you have any more concerns about privacy, head to our support forums. We like to be very transparent about why we require full access (purely technical reason - when you download new languages in the app, we need a way for the keyboard to use that language - thus we need the keyboard and the app to be able to communicate - this is what 'full access' means - not the best name, imho). Find out more here:


macrumors newbie
Nov 3, 2011
London, UK
I'm assuming that you're implying that you are affiliated with Swiftkey? If yes, thank you for the re-clarification. Having used SwiftKey for years on Android - from it's public debut and without the cloud services, I'm surprised by the amount of flak this app has been getting over privacy concerns.

Yeah, I'm one of the iOS engineers. Hit me up on Twitter in case of any questions/feedback/criticism: @czechboy0

We like when users ask these questions - we're users of other products as well after all. That's why we take your privacy very seriously and try to be as transparent as possible. We believe that honesty encourages trust and in discussions like these, the only thing we can do is explain our privacy policy, full access etc. It sometimes feels like an uphill battle, but we're just trying to make a great product for as many people as possible. That's it :)


macrumors newbie
Sep 18, 2014

I have been using Swiftkey on my Android phone for some time (Can't wait to get my iPhone 6 Plus!), and I've really enjoyed it. It has the best autocorrect I've seen in a long time. It's corrected words that don't even look like words on my phone. I first tried Fleksy, just to try it out, and was appalled at how badly it didn't correct most errors. Needless to say it lasted on my iPad for a total of 10 minutes. 99 cents sadly wasted.

My only gripe with Swiftkey is the lack of keyboard splitting on the iPad. I use my iPad in landscape mode 99 percent of the time, and trying to type on the Swiftkey keyboard is quite difficult. I am hoping for an update fairly soon that will address this. And I've tried searching to see if there was any way this was possible, but all the results are for Android.



macrumors newbie
Nov 3, 2011
London, UK


macrumors regular
Jul 17, 2012
how is the swipe feature of the keyboard on iOS? On android, I would rate it last if choosing between swype, google keyboard and swiftkey.

Thanks :)

NY Guitarist

macrumors 68000
Mar 21, 2011
Worst part about this keyboard, is that it requires full access for word prediction... which means the keyboard is no longer sandboxed.

This keyboard is also completely free, which begs the question how are they making money. They are probably data-minning the words we type. Like Apple said we are its product.

Exactly why, after reading that it requires full access, I deleted it.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502
Sep 10, 2011
"You may encounter an alert when installing our Products on your device, warning that third-party keyboards may collect or log sensitive data such as passwords, credit card numbers or street addresses.

SwiftKey Products are designed not to receive, store or transmit any such sensitive data."

Our privacy policy:

I note that the Privacy Policy says SwiftKey is designed not to receive, store or transmit such sensitive data. In legalese, the difference in having the words "designed not" there and "will not" there is massive.
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