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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 31, 2016
I have no issue with wanting to use programs Mac doesn't support - i basically just use Sims, Final Cut Pro, Photoshop and such. Problem is it runs them too slow! Playing Sims is a struggle and don't even get me started on high quality video editing in Final Cut Pro (i click something and it takes minutes to respond).

I love my mac tho, and I love the system and clean look inside and the folders - just everything really. I'm the kind of person who likes clean and minimalistic looks, the look Mac thrives on. My current Macbook Pro is 2,2GHz intel core i7 for the processor, and has about 8GB in memory and a graphic card around 512MB.

I've found a PC with 64GB in memory, 1TB Drive Slot and 2TB hard drive. But with a weaker screen - the colours are sort of grey and cold (which is not good when doing anything related to graphics design which is what I study and mostly do on my computer).

But i'm also looking at the 15-inch Macbook Pro with Ratina display at 2,8GHz processor, 16GB memory and 1TB flashsave-thing.

I know the computer i'm looking at (at almost half price) is way better, but I love my Macbook and everything about it except for the lagging when doing HQ things.

Worst part is, people say the Mac i have now and my second mac (i have one from school which they take back this summer and one at home) are supposed to run all these programs smoothly at the settings they're at but they don't. So i'm worried that even if I order the improved Mac it'll still freeze and suddenly i've wasted so much money for an upgrade that didn't work!

Sorry this is so long, but my main question is: should I upgrade to the better MacBook and pray it works smoothly with the programs, or should I switch to the PC even if I don't like the Windows layout or system and the screen is sorta pale?

If anyone answers this, thanks in advance!

And plus question; since people seem to think that both my current Macbook Pro's should be able to run these programs smoothly, any idea why it's not?


macrumors 603
Mar 14, 2008
What year and what size MBP? It should not be struggling to do any of those taks, you may have a software or hardware issue.
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macrumors regular
Feb 5, 2015
Yes, could be software programs running in the back which is taking a lot of speed.
Application monitor will show you the running programs.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 31, 2016
What year and what size MBP? It should not be struggling to do any of those taks, you may have a software or hardware issue.
The Mac I have now is from the end of 2011, and the website says:
  • FireWire 800-port (up to 800 Mbps)
  • Two USB 2.0-porter (up to 480 Mbps)
Yes, could be software programs running in the back which is taking a lot of speed.
Application monitor will show you the running programs.
It won't let me download the monitor but I usually just have google chrome open in the background if i'm using final cut pro etc. and usually don't run more than google chrome + one more software program at once.


macrumors 68040
Apr 27, 2010
Aarhus, Denmark
Those specs sound a whole lot like a Late 2011 15". If it is and you're still on the original hard drive, an upgrade to an SSD and 16 GB of RAM should do wonders for it.

What you're describing sounds perhaps a bit extreme for even an old hard drive. It's possible it's actually on its way to failing. Which a drive change to an SSD should also fix.


macrumors 68000
Feb 11, 2013

Buy the retina. HDD is the problem in your case, since it's slow. And PC with 2 TB HDD will be slow as well, since it is still just and old mechanical disk.

rMBP uses flash storage, and everything works like it should. But you could also try with replacing your HDD. Bump it up, put SSD inside and enjoy the ride. You will save money, and the upgrade speed will be awesome.

But it's still and old macbook, with usb 2.0. I would wait for WWDC, and then purchase new retina MBP.
But if you can get a current retina MBP for a decent price, I wouldn't think twice. It has all the bells and whistles you need.

Just go to any store with apple laptops, test new retina out and see for yourself. Best possible solution to your problem.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 31, 2016

Buy the retina. HDD is the problem in your case, since it's slow. And PC with 2 TB HDD will be slow as well, since it is still just and old mechanical disk.

rMBP uses flash storage, and everything works like it should. But you could also try with replacing your HDD. Bump it up, put SSD inside and enjoy the ride. You will save money, and the upgrade speed will be awesome.

But it's still and old macbook, with usb 2.0. I would wait for WWDC, and then purchase new retina MBP.
But if you can get a current retina MBP for a decent price, I wouldn't think twice. It has all the bells and whistles you need.

Just go to any store with apple laptops, test new retina out and see for yourself. Best possible solution to your problem.

Yeah but issue is the Macbook i'm currently using is my school's so I can't upgrade, I have to buy a new laptop cause they're taking this back this summer. But you're saying the Macbook Pro with Retina display with improved processor and 1TB instead of 512GB should do the trick tho?
[doublepost=1464690778][/doublepost]The only updates the Macbook Pro with Retina Display 15'' they let you do is the processor from 2,2 to 2,8 instead and the storage from 512GB to 1TB. Other upgrades are not available :(


macrumors 68000
Feb 11, 2013
Yeah but issue is the Macbook i'm currently using is my school's so I can't upgrade, I have to buy a new laptop cause they're taking this back this summer. But you're saying the Macbook Pro with Retina display with improved processor and 1TB instead of 512GB should do the trick tho?
[doublepost=1464690778][/doublepost]The only updates the Macbook Pro with Retina Display 15'' they let you do is the processor from 2,2 to 2,8 instead and the storage from 512GB to 1TB. Other upgrades are not available :(

Processor is not that important. All are pretty fast. Of course, more u can pay, more u get. But the disk speed is what will have most significant impact on your workflow. 512GB or 1TB, it doesn't matter. U pick what you need. Both are speedy as hell ;)

Just go in any store (Apple store?) and check out new retinas. Check out how fast they can open even 10 apps at a time, ask permission to check out disk speeds (bring external hdd with u, copy large files), etc.

You simply can't go wrong with RMBP. But if it is not urgent, and if you are buying brand new pc or mac, I would wait for wwdc and (probable) introduction of redesigned rMBP. You can then purchase new one, or the 'old' one with reduced price at that time.


macrumors 601
Jul 13, 2010
Either way you go I would just do boot camp and put on windows if you want to play the Sims. I have the Sims 4 on my 2015 Macbook pro 13 inch and while its playable with a somewhat respectable framerate I find it to be meh even at its lowest settings. Windows just run games better even with the same specs. The Intel i5 and Iris graphics can handle the game quite easily ....


macrumors 603
Mar 14, 2008
Yeah but issue is the Macbook i'm currently using is my school's so I can't upgrade, I have to buy a new laptop cause they're taking this back this summer. But you're saying the Macbook Pro with Retina display with improved processor and 1TB instead of 512GB should do the trick tho?
[doublepost=1464690778][/doublepost]The only updates the Macbook Pro with Retina Display 15'' they let you do is the processor from 2,2 to 2,8 instead and the storage from 512GB to 1TB. Other upgrades are not available :(
The CPU isn't the bottleneck in your case, you still have a very capable machine. Don't bother upgrading the processor, you are very, very, very unlikley to notice a difference in day to day usage. Only people who peg their CPU at 100%, 100% of the time for time critical work will see a performance difference. Spend your money elsewhere.

Bending Pixels

macrumors 65816
Jul 22, 2010
Don't be suckered into thinking that a WinDoze laptop that's half the price of a rMBP is just good as a rMBP.

It sounds like your 2011 MBP probably has 4GB of RAM - that's the main cause of the lag (slowness) of PS and FCPX. You'll see a huge difference with a new rMBP that has 16GB of RAM.

Best recommendation - wait until June 13 (first date of WWDC) to see if Apple announces an update to the current rMBP's - which is expected. Also, the built-in Intel graphics are good enough to easily run both PS and FCPX. Most photographers and video editors will store their work on an external HD to save space on the laptop's SSD.
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macrumors regular
Feb 25, 2016
First, keep in mind that FCP isn't available on Windows, and there is no native ProRes support. If these are major issues for you, I'd seriously consider staying with a MAC.

Hard drive speed, USB 2.0, and RAM really hold the stock late 2011 MBP back. As stated above, I would hold out a couple weeks and see if apple announces anything MBP related. But a 2015 15" MBP would be a huge performance increase from a stock 2011 MBP for photo/video editing.


macrumors 604
Nov 3, 2011
SF Bay Area
If you really need final cut pro that you have no choice, you need a mac.

All Adobe products will run on either platform and since you are a student you can get everything they make in the Creative Cloud at a huge discount for $20/mo.

If you really want to stay with a Mac wait until WWDC (June 13-17) to see what they announce. If nothing is spectacular, by a refurbished unit.

However, I am going to disagree with other and say that you get a better bang for buck with a Windows laptop. There are so many different manufactures that you can find one that will meet you needs for less than the $2000-2500 of a 15 inch retina MBP.

As far as the colors being cold, that sounds like calibration is needed. I assume since you are a design student you want the colors on the monitor to accurately reflect real life. To do that on any computer you need a color calibrator that measures the colors on the screen and creates profiles to corrects them to be accurate. I do photography as a hobby and calibrate my machines (Macs and PCs) every few months.
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macrumors 601
Jul 13, 2010
Don't be suckered into thinking that a WinDoze laptop that's half the price of a rMBP is just good as a rMBP.

It sounds like your 2011 MBP probably has 4GB of RAM - that's the main cause of the lag (slowness) of PS and FCPX. You'll see a huge difference with a new rMBP that has 16GB of RAM.

Best recommendation - wait until June 13 (first date of WWDC) to see if Apple announces an update to the current rMBP's - which is expected. Also, the built-in Intel graphics are good enough to easily run both PS and FCPX. Most photographers and video editors will store their work on an external HD to save space on the laptop's SSD.

They are better for half the price. I can spend less money for better specs for both the 13 inch and 15 inch. The Dell XPS 15 is a capable device and a fraction of the 15 inch Macbook Pro price. The 13 inch the prices are somewhat comparable. Sorry i don't drink the Apple Kool-aid.


macrumors 6502
Oct 17, 2012
Like somebody said earlier, if you have a late 2011 then upgrading the RAM and switching the hard drive for an SSD would do wonders. The RAM isn't going to be hugely noticeable but the SSD will be. Just do that for my SOs late 2011 MBP and it is like new now.

Bending Pixels

macrumors 65816
Jul 22, 2010
They are better for half the price. I can spend less money for better specs for both the 13 inch and 15 inch. The Dell XPS 15 is a capable device and a fraction of the 15 inch Macbook Pro price. The 13 inch the prices are somewhat comparable. Sorry i don't drink the Apple Kool-aid.


Aug 25, 2015
They are better for half the price. I can spend less money for better specs for both the 13 inch and 15 inch. The Dell XPS 15 is a capable device and a fraction of the 15 inch Macbook Pro price. The 13 inch the prices are somewhat comparable. Sorry i don't drink the Apple Kool-aid.

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macrumors 601
Jul 13, 2010

Lol.... You must think 1+2= 2? The hp spectre first off is similarly priced to thr Macbook Pro with similar specs. The hp spectre battery life is worse than the Macbook Pro which is my reasoning for keeping my Macbook. I haven't tried a Dell XPS 13 but it is cheaper by quite a lot than a 13 pro. Plus this is like 3 days with the HP spectre and that's my initial thoughts on my personal decision to keep my Macbook Pro. But I regress I'm arguing with a fanboy who obviously is drinking the Kool-aid.

I could say more on why I think your logic is flawed but it will get.....political lol


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 31, 2016
Like somebody said earlier, if you have a late 2011 then upgrading the RAM and switching the hard drive for an SSD would do wonders. The RAM isn't going to be hugely noticeable but the SSD will be. Just do that for my SOs late 2011 MBP and it is like new now.
Didn't really know what RAM says but it seems to be the memory? The memory i'm looking at is 16GB while the one I have now is 8GB. I can't upgrade my current Mac, I have to buy a new mac cause mine is the school's and I have to give it back by June 14th or something. And I don't think I can change the hard drive to SSD for Mac?
[doublepost=1464763542][/doublepost]Articles say every Macbook from 2012 and up can't chane hard drive to SSD.


macrumors 68040
Apr 27, 2010
Aarhus, Denmark
And I don't think I can change the hard drive to SSD for Mac?
--- Post Merged, 42 minutes ago --- Articles say every Macbook from 2012 and up can't chane hard drive to SSD.
- Every Mac full stop can have the hard drive upgraded to an SSD if they use a hard drive.
But if that isn't an option for you, then that's that.

All Retina MacBook Pros come exclusively with SSDs; no hard drive possible on those.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 31, 2016
- Every Mac full stop can have the hard drive upgraded to an SSD if they use a hard drive.
But if that isn't an option for you, then that's that.

All Retina MacBook Pros come exclusively with SSDs; no hard drive possible on those.
Oh, how do I get a SSD then?


macrumors 68040
Apr 27, 2010
Aarhus, Denmark
Oh, how do I get a SSD then?
- I thought upgrading your existing Late 2011 15" wasn't an option since you need to return it soon?

If that's want you want to do, follow the instructions above and buy the Samsung 850 EVO SSD in your desired capacity off Amazon or from your preferred electronics shop.
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