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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 30, 2009
Edinburgh, UK
With the new features added in El Capitan's notes app I have been working on migrating from Evernote. What I've recently noticed though is that syncing pdfs that are attached to my notes and have been modified doesn't appear to be working the way I would expect it to.

I have two machines I work with, one older generation MacBook Pro (Late 2011) and a newer MacBook Air (Late 2014). Let's call these machines A and B, respectively.

What I've noticed is only the machine which attached the pdf is able to modify it. E.g., if machine A attached a pdf to a note and I attempt to modify it on machine B I am presented with the error "The original document can't be changed, so a duplicate with your changes has been created." At this point I can create a copy, modify if using Preview, and reattach it successfully. However, the modifications won't be visible on machine A and it appears machine has lost the ability make modifications to the pdf.

In addition to this, modification to the pdf that machine A has made don't seem to be synced and won't be visible to machine B, which, for consistency reasons, makes locking the pdfs seem to make sense.

What I'm wondering is if there is a way to change this behaviour. I would like to use this app in much the same way as I used Evernote and one of the key features there way modifying pdfs between multiple machines.
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