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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 2, 2010
ip4 will be my first iphone. at day job i use outlook 2003 (no choice - everything is locked-down tight for security reasons). for my small business i use Gcal (no choice - business partner isn't mac-user). what i want to do and NOT do is this:

- on my ip, i want to be able to access my Gmail and Outlook calendars as seperate entities as well as unified.

- if they appear together then i want a way of being able to colour code and switch on/off individial calendars.

- i don't need to sync any Outlook or Gmail emails or contacts; just calendars.

- is there a benefit to using iCal on my ip to achieve this?

- on my macs at home, i would love to be able to view each and any of these calendars; just as i would like to do this on my ip.

- i want to be able to ensure that on my outlook calendar, when i access it form my work-based windows machine, my private appointments stay private and i can deselect calendars from appearing - because people in my team are bale to view my calendar. in fact ideally i do not need Gcal (or iCal if that is suggested by any as a solution) to show-up on my work computer when viewing outlook cal.

any help would be much appreciated - last thing i want to do when i get my ip4 ina few days is to sync cals, have personal stuff showing up on my outlook calendar at work, try to unsync or delete stuff rom work cal, only to end-up permanently losing stuff - that would be a big disaster.

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