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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 11, 2011
Hey all - recently purhased the excellent iBye application from Cydia (no more lost savedata, yes!), I've come across a minor - but annoying - error. Everytime I now try to Remove any app in Cydia,I get an error screen stating some error has happened with syslogd (see screenie below). I emailed the creator of iBye and got a reply back stating that iBye relies on the syslogd, but I can't install it properly. Whenever I delete iBye, the problem goes away, but it's pretty annoying if I ever want to browse Cydia. I have some basic knowledge concerning Mobile Terminal, so if anyone can suggest any commands I can run, that would be great.

I have a white iPhone 4, 4.3.3. JB w/redsn0w.

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