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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 2, 2017
Macbook OS 10.7.5

Is there ANY way to locate a device by name or mac address that accessed/hacked into my macbook and was added to my network as a "modem" - System Preferences => Network => left pane. The left pane usually just shows Wifi, ethernet and firewire (sometimes bluetooth). I have since locked down EVERYTHING after deleting said device from that access list. I wish I would have taken a screen shot.

How can I locate this device in the logs? I know how to set up root access, etc. I have scanned the logs briefly, but it can be exhausting. PLEASE if there is anyone out there that can point me in the right direction, let me know. I want to save the log file where there was an instance of this device having access to my network. I'm not sure how far they went, it might have been just for internet access. Since then, there have been brute force attack attempts, but I was able to log the ip... not that that really helps. Anyhow... I don't think it was the same "person"...

Thanks in advance!
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