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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 9, 2003
According to AppleInsider,
Tiger also appears to be gaining a new set of interface sound effects, sources said. These sounds are triggered by Finder actions such as emptying the trash, mounting shared volumes, and copying or moving files.


macrumors 68020
Dec 6, 2004
miloblithe said:
Was I the only one who found those sounds really annoying? Not that I object to their return, as long as I can turn them off.

I find all those sounds amazingly irritating on my pc. They need to make a way for them to turn off if they add that to tiger.


macrumors 6502
Jan 11, 2004
Is it my imagination (I never used Jaguar outside of an Apple store) or did the dock in Jaguar make an iPod clickety style noise as you cycled through it.
And the trash already makes a noise when you empty it! Doesn't bother me, it's an audio clue (although I've come to dread it as it usually cues the moment I realize there was an important file in the trash i didn't mean to delete).


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 9, 2003
chameeeleon said:
And the trash already makes a noise when you empty it!

My trash doesn't make a noise when you empty it. It does make a clicking sound when you drop something into it.

I personally would prefer the sound of a trash truck driving up and emptying your trash whenever you empty the trash. :) J/K

Bringing back system sounds is just another return of "classic" Mac (just like colored labels and Stickies). Now, we just need to get happy Mac back.

Speaking of changes, does anyone remember the public beta of OS 10.0, with the Apple logo in the middle of the menu bar, and no clock (they wanted you to run the clock application in the dock!) :eek:


macrumors 65816
Mar 31, 2002
Maryland, USA
killuminati said:
I find all those sounds amazingly irritating on my pc. They need to make a way for them to turn off if they add that to tiger.

All Apple keyboards ship with a mute button. You can also change your sound output source be a different source than the built-in speakers through the system preferences in Panther. I doubt it will be that different in Tiger that you couldn't there as well.

Blue Velvet

Moderator emeritus
Jul 4, 2004
miloblithe said:
Was I the only one who found those sounds really annoying?


I bet they'll be a switchable option though. The thought of running iTunes while doing some work with every finder action punctuated by a sound would be really annnoying -- at home but even worse at the office with 3 other Mac users sitting next to me.


macrumors newbie
Feb 20, 2005
chameeeleon said:
Is it my imagination (I never used Jaguar outside of an Apple store) or did the dock in Jaguar make an iPod clickety style noise as you cycled through it.
And the trash already makes a noise when you empty it! Doesn't bother me, it's an audio clue (although I've come to dread it as it usually cues the moment I realize there was an important file in the trash i didn't mean to delete).
No, at least my Jaguar dock never clicked. And my trash doesn't make the emptying sound anymore. I can't even remeber if it ever did. I guess my system is a little shy :eek: .


macrumors 6502
Jan 11, 2004
You're right - I just realized my trash makes the noise when I drag something into it, not when I empty it. My mistake.
But I really thought the dock used to click.... Sort of like the noise when you scroll through the iPod.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 26, 2003
Las vegas
I liked the system sounds in system 9 they where cool but could get on your nerves. I hope that there is a way to turn them off.


macrumors 6502
Sep 24, 2004
West Mids, UK
When I moved from Windows to OS X, I thought it was really refreshing that everything you did wasn't accompanied by silly sounds - I hope I can choose to keep it this way.


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
I seem to have the sounds working with Panther, but it's not as if I have a choice. Also, one thing I've noticed is that they don't seem that reliable. Perhaps, that's why we really haven't seen much from Apple about it.

I liked having something other than visual feedback, as long as it doesn't impede performance.


macrumors newbie
Feb 23, 2005
San Antonio TX
mac-er said:
According to AppleInsider,

Check under volume preference pane......not sure what update added the system sounds feature "10.3.7 or 10.3.8". Looks like a prelude to systems sounds returning to X.
I really don't think that they would add this feature to the volume pref. pane just to turn off trash sound.
Also eliminates keyboard volume keys "blips" if you wish.........


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macrumors 6502a
Dec 6, 2003
i can confirm this as i am a developer and get mailed every new update to the tiger beta... they can be turned off and they are just little things like dropping something in a folder or something like that, exactly as stated at the begining of this topic... nothing too noticible though like dragging windows or minimizing like in os 9


macrumors 68040
Jan 8, 2003
This whole report from AI made me happy.

I know it's all eye candy, but I like having new screen savers, desktops, and sounds with easy release. Because Apple makes beautiful stuff, it's simply appealing to the non-work side of my brain.

.:*Robot Boy*:.

macrumors 6502
Jan 21, 2005
New Zealand
What ever happened to the 'Quack' sound. I can see a few of the ol' favourites in System Preferences>Sound (Sosumi, etc.) but I don't think the Quack sound made it to OS X! That sound is a classic, just like the rainbow Apple logo and that flying toasters screensaver (luckily I found an OS X version of the flying toasters)... is there any way I can salvage it from an earlier OS?

... I know I'm gunna get sick of it pretty quickly, but I need to satisfy my nostelgic urge.


Jaffa Cake

macrumors Core
Aug 1, 2004
The City of Culture, Englandshire
350z said:
Check under volume preference pane......not sure what update added the system sounds feature "10.3.7 or 10.3.8"
I've just taken a look at our Jaguar equipped G4 – those options were there in 10.2.8 so it isn't a recent addition.

Mind you, the option boxes are ticked on that Mac, as well as my Mac running Panther (10.3.5) and we don't get any quirky sound effects on either (at least, not that I've noticed).
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