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macrumors 68000
Nov 8, 2002
Chinatown NYC
Originally posted by Raiden
If apple were to make a tablet, heres what I think they would do.

Simply put, a powerbook with a screen that when you open it, its a normal powerbook. Then you have the option of swivelling the screen backwards, and closing it. So you basically have a huge 12, 15, or even a 17 inch slate tablet. It would allow apple to say they innovated tablets by making them labtops and tablets at the same time.

Think of a graphic designer on a plane, in painter and photoshop with a powerbook tablet drawing on it. It would be great!!

Here's your idea in action, as seen in probable $1 Billion dollars worth of marketing material worldwide by now:

I'm not sure what Apple could do, but I would have to agree that they have to improve on this design. The best idea I've heard is to build a tablet as a "satellite" to a desktop pc (or larger laptop) that can act as a "smart display", as well as be used as a light-duty standalone device. No keyboard, but if you really needed one for travel you could make the screen stand up like a picture frame, and then use a folding wireless keyboard with built-in trackpad.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 8, 2002
The current crop of MS tablets seem to cut in on the laptop form factor. The idea behind a laptop is portability while still providing desktop capability. Since a tablet only allows a lower level of input, in my opinion it should be sized accordingly, since most users won't need the functionality of a laptop.

Approximately, the current computing form factors are pda, laptop, and desktop. I feel that desktops and laptops have fulfilled their roles quite well, but pda's are just too small to provide any real functionality. A tablet the size of a jr. size legal pad (5" x 8") would provide substantial surface area for note taking and other quick tasks that don't require a full fledged computer. As previously pointed out, a tablet for graphic designers would essentially be for graphic designers alone, since the form factor is too great for the input type. I couldn't stand using a laptop as a tablet because it would simply be too bulky. Only a graphic designer needs a bigger tablet style input device.

A good tablet again should be approx. 5x8 in. Other useful features would include:

write to the edge screen (no bezel)
3/4 in thick or less (this will make it hard to fit the innards, but is necessary for the form factor)
changeable orientation

Other details are a matter of implementation, but I'm presenting these ideas to describe a more usable form factor. laptop sized tablets and pdas are just impractical.
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