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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 26, 2022
I switched to mac from windows few days ago and I want to understand if this one feature is available in MacOs or not.

Feature Name -
Taking screenshot of running screen ((portion of screen).

Description -
Meaning, once you hit shift+command+4 on a video let's say, the video is still running and you can not take a screenshot of the particular frame you want to take.
In windows, the screen freezes the moment I hit win+shift+s and you can easily take screen of that frame and once screenshot is taken, the screen unfreezes and you see the ongoing frame on screen.

This is not just for any video but for also for some process output on terminal, or pop up coming on website(for web dev) or on a live lecture since pausing is not an option.

So is this something that is available and can be enabled or not available at all in MacOS.
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