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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 19, 2008
Hello everyone, I'm the developer at Little White Bear Studios, which makes the game TanZen. Due to the overwhelming success of our $0.99 sale awhile ago, we've decided to drop the price of TanZen permanently to $0.99! If you've never tried TanZen before, feel free to give our Lite version a try, which has 18 puzzles to solve. If you enjoy it, for just $0.99, you can get our full version, with over 200 puzzles! Have fun!

Note: The price was changed at 1pm Pacific today. If the price hasn't changed for you yet, give it time. Apple takes a long time to update the price on all the servers around the world.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 19, 2006
i just want to say that I love this game. You can finish a puzzle quickly (depending on when you get that "ah ha!" moment) and quietly so you won't disturb other people. so it is great to play in those brief periods of downtime

The gesture-based controls are great! you can easily play with one finger.

I downloaded tanzen lite, and then as soon as the price went down to 99 cents, i snapped up the full version.
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