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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Dec 5, 2008
Brockton, MA
As of today, it's been ten years now since Apple released Final Cut Pro X, a completely redesigned and rewritten version of their beloved professional video editing software. And we all remember how it was a difficult launch at first, with a more iMovie-esque interface and quite a few missing features from the old version (Final Cut Pro 7), but it's since evolved into a much more professional video-editing application once again, and many of said missing features have since been added back into FCP X (in some cases doing them way better than FCP 7, like the multicam editor!) along with other nifty new features prosumers and professionals alike can appreciate. In fact, here's a photo of one of the earlier versions of FCP X (I think it was 10.1.something)...

Compare that with the newest version, Final Cut Pro 10.5.3...

Yeah, I opened up the index windows and source monitor for this image. The interface does look noticeably less iMovie-esque and more professional now. And they also removed the "X" from the name, to tie in to Apple removing the "X" from the Mac OS name (especially since Mac OS 11 Big Sur came out!)

Of course, as of 2014 I've been making virtually all of my YouTube Poops on Final Cut Pro (as it's a lot like Apple's version of Sony/Magix Vegas Pro) along with other elaborate video projects. So I even did a Zak Wolf fursuit vlog about how much this new Final Cut Pro has evolved, the reasons why it was changed in 2011, and the impact it's had on my YouTube channel!
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