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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 11, 2008

Is there a way to disable test flight for mac on appstore ?

Automatic signing don't work because it don't generate a provision profile.

Getting warning "provision profile is needed for use of test flight" ... I'm not using test flight and never will :)

AppStoreConnect is a pain these days !


macrumors regular
May 26, 2021
My guess is you're trying to upload your app to Apple but experiencing issues with it. As far as I know, the automatic signing error you're seeing is independent of TestFlight.

To upload apps to Apple you need to sign them with an App Store distribution profile. Automatic signing handles this for you, but if it's having trouble generating the distribution profile it's worth checking the Certificates, Identifiers, and Profiles section in your developer account to make sure that you have an explicit App ID with your app's bundle ID and that your app record uses that App ID. (Wildcard App IDs have never worked in my experience.)

There isn't really a way to "disable" TestFlight other than simply not submitting your build to Beta App Review or not making a build available to external testers. As soon as you complete the export compliance info or upload a build that has the "App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption" plist key filled out, Apple automatically makes your build available to internal testers through the TestFlight app (i.e. any Apple IDs with access to your developer account, including yourself).
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