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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 24, 2017
Hi, everyone! TextEdit was experiencing some difficulties and in an effort to fix them, I [incorrectly] followed instructions I found on the internet. I ended up deleting Windows Office Compatibility.rtf in FontCollections in Library. All my TextEdit documents that were previously rich text are now plain text. I thought going back in the Time Machine and retrieving it would work. When I did, I opened the Windows Office Compatibility.rtf document. It was a TextEdit file in the plain text format. Before I deleted it, it would say it needed a specific application to open, and I used TextEdit. All my other TE files were the same too. I tried copying and pasting text from files onto new documents and saving them as "Rich Text" and "Rich Text with Attachments" but when I reopen it afterwards, it's still in plain text. Any ideas?
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macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
Have you tried opening Preferences in Text Edit and setting it to "rich text" ...?
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