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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
The Premium One W3 ( is the perfect combo dock for me, but I am so nervous about backing a Kickstarter and potentially ending up with nothing or almost as bad, production delays extending beyond the anticipated June shipping date.

What do you all think? Any positive Kickstarter experiences to share? What happens if they don't deliver as promised? Are the backers just SOL?


macrumors G5
Jun 12, 2012
kick starters are a huge hit or miss. Even when they do take off, it is usually forever and a day before you actually get the product.

A little pricey for just a stand, but I went with a nomad.


macrumors 68030
Oct 14, 2011
I'm backing the same project, and this is my first Kickstarter as well. The people behind it seem very determined to get their product out in May and June, and the project leader is pretty responsive in the Comments.


macrumors member
Aug 14, 2013
Kickstarter can be hit or miss, but this might be one of the few projects that it's not some young kid trying to get something going. That's just my perception though. I backed this as well and got one for me and my wife. The guy doing it seems to know what he's doing as he already has manufacturers set up in 2 countries to get it produced quickly.


macrumors 6502
Sep 17, 2014
Knoxville, TN
I was also interested in the W3 on Kickstarter but went with the nomad stand instead. I just couldn't justify buying that stand when ultimately I could get the nomad stand for an affordable price. If you think about it, the Kickstarter stand is almost as much as another band that you could buy. Just my opinion.


macrumors 68020
Apr 6, 2010
Looking back through my backed kickstarter projects I have never received a kickstarter project when it was planned to ship. They always run into some kind of delay which is somewhat to be expected (especially for those projects that go viral). For that reason I just don't back accessories on kickstarter anymore. I would rather just wait until June when they are supposed to be shipping and order one then.


macrumors 68020
May 23, 2010
The Premium One W3 ( is the perfect combo dock for me, but I am so nervous about backing a Kickstarter and potentially ending up with nothing or almost as bad, production delays extending beyond the anticipated June shipping date.

What do you all think? Any positive Kickstarter experiences to share? What happens if they don't deliver as promised? Are the backers just SOL?

I was at checkout for this before I got cold feet and backed out. You lose your consumer rights when you back something in kick starter, best to wait until it's for sale.


macrumors 6502
Sep 20, 2013
I've learned the hard way. More than once. No more kickstarter/indiegogo for me. I've even had a really bad experience preordering directly from a small company. When it comes to smaller companies I will now always wait till its in stock.


macrumors regular
Jun 17, 2009
Coral Springs, FL
The Premium One W3 ( is the perfect combo dock for me, but I am so nervous about backing a Kickstarter and potentially ending up with nothing or almost as bad, production delays extending beyond the anticipated June shipping date.

What do you all think? Any positive Kickstarter experiences to share? What happens if they don't deliver as promised? Are the backers just SOL?

I actually just backed them this morning. Been debating about it for the past week. I backed the Veronica Mars movie and had a great experience with that and I've backed the Obduction game (the sequel to Myst/Riven). It came down to this is something I really want and for the price it's great since a lot of regular docks are almost half the price just to dock one device. And since they're funded and considering how much they've been funded hopefully there won't be any snags. I say if it's pretty much exactly what you want go for it.
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