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Sep 20, 2012
There are many Doctor Who threads in MacRumors. The main one is here.

The newer series is good but, I still like the older series (especially Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker (not Colin Baker :D)).

Yeah, I do realise that, but my thread is specifically about the newer series. ;)

Hmm...that's quite interesting, I would've thought most would prefer the newer series.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 27, 2011
Lucky Country
Ah nice! Well I've seen the older series, but I just can't get passed the bad effects way back then. Whilst they were good for back then, by today's standards they look quite ridiculous, IMHO. My favourite Doctor of the new series so far would have to be David Tennant, although Matt Smith was pretty darn good, in my humble opinion.

It was originally made as a shoe-string trial - for kids. The kids loved it, and didn't care about the wonky scenery.

Jon Pertwee was the quintessential Doctor, for me.


Sep 20, 2012
It was originally made as a shoe-string trial - for kids. The kids loved it, and didn't care about the wonky scenery.

Jon Pertwee was the quintessential Doctor, for me.

Well, then I guess the bad effects weren't that bad then for kids.

I actually haven't seen that much of the older series, but maybe I should now.


macrumors 601
Jan 1, 2011
L.A. (Lower Alabama)
Love the new series. If the writers don't get comfortable with the latest actor playing the Doctor, however, they need to get rid of the companion. The last series (season) was more like Doctor Clara. Bleh.

The Doctor11

macrumors 603
Dec 15, 2013
New York
Wasn't really a fan of Capaldi but I'm still very very excited about new doctor who series. Hopefully I'll like this series better then the last. Nothing will beat Smith though :(. The Doctor11 is simply the best ;)

Dear mods who probably are not Doctor Who fans,
This thread should not be thrown in with the 2nd regeneration thread as normally happens whenever Doctor Who is in the title of a thread :)
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Staff member
Oct 11, 2005
The Black Country, England
Dear mods who probably are not Doctor Who fans,
This thread should not be thrown in with the 2nd regeneration thread as normally happens whenever Doctor Who is in the title of a thread :)

I'm a mod who's been a fan since Patrick Troughton's 2nd Doctor though Jon Pertwee's 3rd Doctor was my favourite. ;)

MacRumors is an Apple forum and not a Doctor Who forum so one main thread is adequate. I've renamed it "The Doctor Who Thread" so it covers all discussions, new and old.


macrumors 601
Jan 1, 2011
L.A. (Lower Alabama)
Smith has been my favorite in the new series.

I love Capaldi. I just wish the writers did. They simply have not given him a chance.

Wasn't really a fan of Capaldi but I'm still very very excited about new doctor who series. Hopefully I'll like this series better then the last. Nothing will beat Smith though :(. The Doctor11 is simply the best ;)

Dear mods who probably are not Doctor Who fans,
This thread should not be thrown in with the 2nd regeneration thread as normally happens whenever Doctor Who is in the title of a thread :)

fat jez

macrumors 68020
Jun 24, 2010
Glasgow, UK
So Clara Oswald is gone.

Jenny Coleman will leave the show to do a British series about Queen Victoria.

Nah, she wouldn't go that soon. It looks as though the Dr will go back and kill Davros as a young boy so the Daleks don't exist and he gets the Tardis back.


macrumors 68020
Feb 20, 2007
America's Third World
I'm only going by the final scene, which shows the Dr pointing a Dalek weapon at young Davros. That and he somehow has to get his destroyed Tardis back.

Yeah, you could get the impression, but I assume that's a misdirection, and that the plot will be a bit more involved than simply killing the young Davros. ;)


macrumors 601
Jan 1, 2011
L.A. (Lower Alabama)
They can't undo the existence of the greatest evils ever. If only because it's so much fun to keep bringing them back! The Doctor will not kill the young Davros.

Of course, I'm so happy that Clara is going, I could dance!
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macrumors 68040
Sep 3, 2011
I'm actually glad that they just brought Missy back without any drawn out explaination. It was such a waste to just kill her off last season. Especially since the more I see of her, the more I think that she is a much better incarnation of the Master than the last one. (they're both psychotic, but Missy seems less comedic and more calculating)

Still wish they would bring back more timelords though.
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macrumors 6502a
May 4, 2006
You may want to catch it before watching ep2... as it's a 2 parter... :)

My son says the Doctor will exterminate the hands, not young Davros... I go with that. :)


macrumors 68040
Sep 3, 2011
Umm, Moffat...

I've decided that the man doesn't really care about continuity. He just likes making people think there is continuity. Thus this whole hybrid thing will amount to nothing.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 2, 2014
Hey time travel comes with a good amount of ****ing things up, and given anyone has the accidental right to screw things up. Had he, or had he not saved Davros, the Daleks would still exist without the Doctor regardless.

Hey and as for Missy, who doesn't love angry Scottish people??
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