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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 25, 2020
Originally from Reddit but no one seems to be responding there so...

To put it shortly, since 2015 I've been known by everyone I meet as the Apple hater outlier, as most of everyone I knew had iPhones and Macs. Half of my extended family is South American in origin and a lot of them are very skilled with careers in burgeoning industries, so of course they have the money to afford Apple.

I strayed away from the path and decide to go full on Windows and Android, dismissing anything Apple had to offer.

However now I've taken up digital art and I have a cheap pen tablet that I'm using to practice and build skills before I spend my entire savings account on a screen tablet.

From what I've heard, the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil are universally well accepted even though their entry price point is a real barrier to some. Cintiqs on the other hand are way pricier and some people don't like them because the glass is too thick and the pen is too laggy. And then there are the Cintiq clones that come pretty close but have some flaws.

The most important point to me would be bang for your buck and portability, which the iPad Pro massively supersedes them for, even if it has an ARM processor instead of x86.

I tried to look for an Android alternative but then I found out Android tablets were doomed from day one, and I used to own a couple and I didn't have the best experiences with them. Then there's the pen tablets that run Windows, but again their specs, and especially pens, just can't compare to the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil in my book.

It's clear to me that this is a market Apple planned to tap into, and they did it well.

And not only that but Apple seems to have a better product success to failure ratio than a lot of other tech companies. And all the other smartwatches can't compare with Apple Watch.

For 5 years I had a tough Anti-Apple shell but that's finally starting to crumble.

Granted I'll still use custom built Windows computers because I like to game and do 3D modeling, and Android is absolutely great on smartphones and allows me to spend less on one, but Apple's entry level SE performs better than all of them right now. And for an artist like me, the iPad Pro is stunning.

Just sharing my 2¢, and am wondering if anyone had similar experiences.


Jul 18, 2011
Just use whatever products work best for you, and hope you get as much out of your iPad as possible. If you want to share how your iPad has been working out for you, there will always be a place where for you.
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macrumors 68030
Sep 2, 2015
I love different operating systems. Android phone, Windows 10 Pro Gaming PC, iOS iPad Pro, and MacOS Laptop MAcBook Pro.
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macrumors 604
Jan 6, 2005
I would encourage you to avoid dogmatic adherence to any one particular company or platform. All of them offer their own unique benefits. You stand to gain the most when you understand that and use it to further yourself. I happen to agree that right now Apple is putting a lot of pieces of the puzzle together in a way that appeals to me, however I’ve also made a good career through understanding, being able to support, and adapt quickly to whatever computing environment I’m presented with.


macrumors 601
Aug 24, 2017
Originally from Reddit but no one seems to be responding there so...

To put it shortly, since 2015 I've been known by everyone I meet as the Apple hater outlier, as most of everyone I knew had iPhones and Macs. Half of my extended family is South American in origin and a lot of them are very skilled with careers in burgeoning industries, so of course they have the money to afford Apple.

I strayed away from the path and decide to go full on Windows and Android, dismissing anything Apple had to offer.

However now I've taken up digital art and I have a cheap pen tablet that I'm using to practice and build skills before I spend my entire savings account on a screen tablet.

From what I've heard, the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil are universally well accepted even though their entry price point is a real barrier to some. Cintiqs on the other hand are way pricier and some people don't like them because the glass is too thick and the pen is too laggy. And then there are the Cintiq clones that come pretty close but have some flaws.

The most important point to me would be bang for your buck and portability, which the iPad Pro massively supersedes them for, even if it has an ARM processor instead of x86.

I tried to look for an Android alternative but then I found out Android tablets were doomed from day one, and I used to own a couple and I didn't have the best experiences with them. Then there's the pen tablets that run Windows, but again their specs, and especially pens, just can't compare to the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil in my book.

It's clear to me that this is a market Apple planned to tap into, and they did it well.

And not only that but Apple seems to have a better product success to failure ratio than a lot of other tech companies. And all the other smartwatches can't compare with Apple Watch.

For 5 years I had a tough Anti-Apple shell but that's finally starting to crumble.

Granted I'll still use custom built Windows computers because I like to game and do 3D modeling, and Android is absolutely great on smartphones and allows me to spend less on one, but Apple's entry level SE performs better than all of them right now. And for an artist like me, the iPad Pro is stunning.

Just sharing my 2¢, and am wondering if anyone had similar experiences.

I did. After a work supplied HTC Windows Phone 6 and BB Storm, my first personal smartphone was a Droid Incredible - loved that little bugger! After that came the Samsung S3, then a return back to HTC with the M8, then finally a Nexus 6. Tablet wise I had a Motorola Xoom and a Nexus 7.

My journey away started when I was looking for a stylus equipped tablet. Spent a long time e dwelling on the Shield tablet and the Samsung 10.1.

Then Apple released the iPad 9.7" Pro with the Pencil. Ka-ching!

Meanwhile, my 1 year old Nexus 6 was getting all levels of snotty with the bloody thing rebooting Everytime I'd fireup maps while on battery etc. So,then came the 7 plus. Then a MacBook Pro (2015). Then a series 3 (daytime) and 1 (nighttime) watch.

Yeah, my journey to the dark side is complete. Later this year I plan on getting a new iPad, iMac, Series 6 and iPhone 12...!


Nov 28, 2018
Originally from Reddit but no one seems to be responding there so...

To put it shortly, since 2015 I've been known by everyone I meet as the Apple hater outlier, as most of everyone I knew had iPhones and Macs. Half of my extended family is South American in origin and a lot of them are very skilled with careers in burgeoning industries, so of course they have the money to afford Apple.

I strayed away from the path and decide to go full on Windows and Android, dismissing anything Apple had to offer.

However now I've taken up digital art and I have a cheap pen tablet that I'm using to practice and build skills before I spend my entire savings account on a screen tablet.

From what I've heard, the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil are universally well accepted even though their entry price point is a real barrier to some. Cintiqs on the other hand are way pricier and some people don't like them because the glass is too thick and the pen is too laggy. And then there are the Cintiq clones that come pretty close but have some flaws.

The most important point to me would be bang for your buck and portability, which the iPad Pro massively supersedes them for, even if it has an ARM processor instead of x86.

I tried to look for an Android alternative but then I found out Android tablets were doomed from day one, and I used to own a couple and I didn't have the best experiences with them. Then there's the pen tablets that run Windows, but again their specs, and especially pens, just can't compare to the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil in my book.

It's clear to me that this is a market Apple planned to tap into, and they did it well.

And not only that but Apple seems to have a better product success to failure ratio than a lot of other tech companies. And all the other smartwatches can't compare with Apple Watch.

For 5 years I had a tough Anti-Apple shell but that's finally starting to crumble.

Granted I'll still use custom built Windows computers because I like to game and do 3D modeling, and Android is absolutely great on smartphones and allows me to spend less on one, but Apple's entry level SE performs better than all of them right now. And for an artist like me, the iPad Pro is stunning.

Just sharing my 2¢, and am wondering if anyone had similar experiences.
Did you ever consider a Microsoft Surface device?


macrumors newbie
Nov 2, 2014
Being a fanboy basically means you’re close minded. The equivalent of those who say I only buy Japanese vehicles for reliability and those who say they only buy German vehicles for performance. When in reality there are German cars that are just as reliable if not more than some Japanese and there are Japanese vehicles that perform on par if not better than Germans. I own both :) Don’t rob yourself being loyal to a “brand”.

All platforms have their pluses and minuses over each other. Find which one works best for you.


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 25, 2020
Did you ever consider a Microsoft Surface device?
Yeah I did at one time. But iPadOS feels more fluid than Surface Windows. Granted this is based on my demos of them at Best Buy and I have owned neither so my guess is as best as the next person's.

Even though I love Android, I can perfectly see why many developers code first for iOS and then Android, or only on iOS, because Apple users spend more money on the App Store than Android users do on Google Play, with iOS you only have to target a few devices vs. Android's thousands of phones, and Swift programming is (from what I know) more intuitive than Java... even though it is annoying, I can see why they do it.


macrumors 65816
Oct 5, 2010
You mentioned at the beginning of your post that part of the reason you disliked Apple products was because you were cost-conscious. I'm curious why you ended up with one of the more expensive iPads (the iPad Pro) when you could also get [older] Pencil support and a fairly large screen with the entry-level iPad ($309, 10.2" screen).


macrumors 6502a
Jul 12, 2013
New York
My father was an avid Apple hater for YEARS. I’m telling you, he would bash it every time something new would come out. Then, one day, he bought the iMac which shocked me because I knew how much he hated Apple. At the time, he said he still did but wanted to try it out. A few years later, the iPhone 5 came out and at this time I was interested in getting it because that was the first phone that I will have bought myself with my own money. My dad decided to get it too. He then bought the 9.7” iPad and the 1st gen 12.9“ iPad Pro and from there, he changed completely to become an Apple fan. I was the one who ended up switching to Samsung after the iPhone 5, but I did have the late-2013 15” MacBook Pro and the iPad Mini which I eventually upgraded to the 10.5” iPad Pro (my Dad got me that for Christmas in 2017), then this year I got myself the 2018 11” iPad Pro and have also upgraded to the 11 Pro Max after having Samsung phones for the past 8 years. Years ago, I did not really like the iPhone as they felt so stale and old compared to Samsung in terms of design. It wasn’t until the iPhone XS Max came out that I felt that they were finally going the right direction. The 11 Pro Max made me finally decide to switch simply because it’s a world away of difference compared to the iPhone 5 I had. Plus, I’m used to having a bigger phone screen as I have had the Note 8 and my current Note 9. So, I come from a family that used to hate Apple but have turned into Apple fans. The only person in my house to have an android after I switch is my Mom.


macrumors G3
Jun 7, 2015
Seattle WA
I'm sticking with my Windows laptop & desktop - I'll never switch to Apple there - but I have 6 Android tablets and 2 phones in a box that I won't be using again. I started with Android at day zero and was a power user, rooting my devices and installing custom ROMs, but Apple h/w and app availability are so much better.

The Man

macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2004
Being a fanboy basically means you’re close minded. The equivalent of those who say I only buy Japanese vehicles for reliability and those who say they only buy German vehicles for performance. When in reality there are German cars that are just as reliable if not more than some Japanese and there are Japanese vehicles that perform on par if not better than Germans. I own both :) Don’t rob yourself being loyal to a “brand”.

All platforms have their pluses and minuses over each other. Find which one works best for you.
So if I found out that Apple works best for me years and years and years ago, and I exclusively use Apple now, does that make me a fanboy? :) But anyways, how much experience with other brands should one have to be able to judge what works best for you? In the end, people make choices and form relationships with their tools and brands of choice. So should one waste time looking at other solutions once you have found a brand or platform that works for you? Being loyal to a brand isn't a bad thing if that brand gives you a lot of value. Sure, you can test out other things once you can't find something suitable (based on needs or price) within your brand of choice. In that way, yes, one should not be close minded. But if a brand gives you most or everything you want, that kind brand loyalty towards Apple, Google, or Microsoft shouldn't be regarded as something awful. It can be deserved.

Also, one could have had bad past experiences. These experiences form deep emotional scars, and you can't blame someone from disliking a brand based on those experiences. Eventually, a good experience that follows creates loyalty. That is how things work. Now if I'm simply hating on Apple or Microsoft or Google for no good reason, yes that would be very small minded.

Finally, if someone asks me if I'm open to using Windows or Android, and if I say no, that doesn't mean I'm an Apple fanboy or close minded. It means I have a preference and I made a choice. Am I open to the idea that other platforms can give better experiences? Sure. But if my needs are met, I simply don't feel the need to try out. So I'm okay if there are Windows and Android users out there who feel the same. (But if you have a crappy Windows or Android experience, or can't find what you're looking for on those platforms, please feel free to join the Apple family. ;))


macrumors G5
Jun 18, 2017
Just get the appropriate tools for the job. In this case (tablet for digital art) it seems the iPad Pro would be the best tool.

Android and Windows can make for very good machines and excellent bang for the buck, but you've discovered that doesn't apply in this particular use case.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 22, 2012
I skipped Apple from about the iPhone 5s to when the iPhone XS was released with the exception of a 6 month timeframe where I tried an iPhone.

The reason I was on Android (specifically over the iPhone) was that I felt at the time Apple was resting on it’s laurels and Android was the one innovating. That seemed to change over the last couple of years and I’ve starting using Apple products again. I just tried the Galaxy S10 and Galaxy Active 2 for a couple of months bc I get bored with the same thing, but the Apple Watch beats the Galaxy Active 2 hands down, and iMessage again beats Android Messages by a wide margin. It sucks too bc the S10 is a beautifully designed phone. I have the iPad Pro now as well and there isn’t anything out there that’s close to it.
Last edited:


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 25, 2020
You mentioned at the beginning of your post that part of the reason you disliked Apple products was because you were cost-conscious. I'm curious why you ended up with one of the more expensive iPads (the iPad Pro) when you could also get [older] Pencil support and a fairly large screen with the entry-level iPad ($309, 10.2" screen).
Laminated display, big work area, and lightning fast processor. It'll be a big spend though.


macrumors 68000
Apr 25, 2017
I was also windows only for decades and then bought a Mac due to windows required yearly reinstalls to not clutter the machine. That being said, I still use windows at work (95, 2000, xp, 7, 10) because they are tied to analytical instruments where traditionally, Mac are never supported. I like iPads better than Mac due to simplicity.


macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2020
Imo for tablets, the iPad has won. The only segment left for Android seems to be the bottom of the barell tablets that parents bought to distract their toddlers. When the parent itself, Google, gave up, the rest is history. Only Samsung is left for decent hardware.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 10, 2013
Imo for tablets, the iPad has won. The only segment left for Android seems to be the bottom of the barell tablets that parents bought to distract their toddlers. When the parent itself, Google, gave up, the rest is history. Only Samsung is left for decent hardware.
Absolutely! Where tablets are concerned, the iPad is likely the best option...considered in hardware and software terms.


macrumors G4
Apr 9, 2010
where hip is spoken
Imo for tablets, the iPad has won. The only segment left for Android seems to be the bottom of the barell tablets that parents bought to distract their toddlers. When the parent itself, Google, gave up, the rest is history. Only Samsung is left for decent hardware.
That is true. For the mainstream, the iPad has indeed won. For the few of us who need more flexibility than the iPad line offers, Android tablets like Samsung's Galaxy Tab line or even Amazon's Fire tablets can do more of those things than even the most expensive iPad Pro can do.

If Android (or Chrome OS) tablets were to disappear completely, I'd probably ditch the form-factor altogether. For my tablet needs, my iPad is my digital notebook/project planner, but use Android tablets for most other things.


macrumors G3
Aug 29, 2008
Yeah I did at one time. But iPadOS feels more fluid than Surface Windows. Granted this is based on my demos of them at Best Buy and I have owned neither so my guess is as best as the next person's.

Even though I love Android, I can perfectly see why many developers code first for iOS and then Android, or only on iOS, because Apple users spend more money on the App Store than Android users do on Google Play, with iOS you only have to target a few devices vs. Android's thousands of phones, and Swift programming is (from what I know) more intuitive than Java... even though it is annoying, I can see why they do it.

You're not tied to Java in Android, tied to JVM yet, but not Java.
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macrumors 68000
Mar 16, 2011
I’ve been a Windows user since the 80s. Then the ipad happened in 2010. They sucked me over, man. All the way up to a $950 ipad pro with pencil. I love that thing. Then in 2017 came my first smart phone (iphone se) followed by the damn watch. Then the next year a fairly expensive mac mini with me re-assigning keys so it is more PC like.

Apple is a money sink hole, but I’m all the way over.
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macrumors 65816
Feb 16, 2018
Love my iPad Pro . . . Love my OnePlus 6T . . Love my MacBook Pro . . Love my HP Zbook 15 G3... Love my custom Windows 10 gaming rig . . .

I personally don’t entertain the notion that one brand is universally superior to all others but rather there is always a better tool for me to use for a particular use case. My Zbook gets the most use due to my line of work (civil engineer/project manager) followed by my iPad and android phone. There’s just certain boxes that each device ticks that works out well for me.

I occasionally toy with the idea of purchasing a Surface device to add into my collection but I haven’t justified the purchase just yet. Perhaps someday.

I can totally relate to the sentiment of this thread. As has been stated several times throughout - find what works best and stick with it.


macrumors 65816
Oct 19, 2018
You're not tied to Java in Android, tied to JVM yet, but not Java.

And as a former Java Web Developer that have gone through tutorials for both Android and Swift I do not find Swift more intuitive. Swift sometimes offer too much options for the same thing which I do not like in general with programming languages (and some of those options make the code shorter but less understandable and readable). It is about preference.

Now Xcode does seem a bit better compared to Android Studio but both IDEs are rich enough.


macrumors 6502
Nov 17, 2019
While I love my Surface and use it as an ultraportable (I tend to hop between many different systems, and even have a couple of AIX Power machines :)), the general state of touch on Windows devices is not usable for me, sorry. Yes, the touch hardware works but IMHO the execution is poor.


Sep 30, 2019
While I agree hell my first apple product is Ipad Pro 11 2018 and I owned a Galaxy s8 now a Iphone X, The files app is the worst thing about ios and ipados, its complete trash I hope IOS 14 changes something with this especially also. for Iphone X I get there is a notch but couldn't they put the battery percentage in the battery symbol instead of no battery percentage like come on Apple its not that hard I have seen people do it on jailbroken iphones. Also the share system is so closed lets say I want to go to photos app and see a Icloud photo if I hit share only a few apps can see it; but not Photo editing apps, you have to go in the app and select the photo yikes.

What I want from Apple
1. Widgets
2. Ability to move my Folders on Home screen to the bottom to keep my home screen clear. (I don't like all my apps on different pages)
3. Files App remake at least improve on transferring no more 4.29gb limitation which causes videos to be corrupted randomly.
4. Have swipe up on dock to show all APPs
5. Ability to add more than 4 apps on Dock for iphone
6. Battery Percentage to be inside the battery logo or at least tap top right to see battery percentage
7. Allow selection of default apps such as Browsers mainly
8. Option to allow apps to run on background already. Lets say for example I am rendering a hour long video on lumafusion, you are forced to either keep the app open fullscreen or splitscreen it on ipad. I just want it to render in the background so I can do other things while checking the progress on notification bar.
9. Option to allow swipe left to delete notification at least give me that option
10. WE HAVE OLED give us always on display. Look the one thing I miss the most is a LED light at least allow my phone to show notifications without wasting the battery on lighting up the full display just for a notification
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