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macrumors 65816
Nov 20, 2003
Seti@Home to BIONIC

I posted this earlier today in the forums and got no response

"I was wondering if there is anyone who is interested in starting up a team for the new version of Seti@Home. It sounds like they have many of the previous problems fixed (security etc.) and an updated point system. There is a good article about it at Ars Technica if you want to read more about it.

Does the Macrumors Team still exist for the Seti@Home project and if they do, are considering moving over to the new BIONIC program? "

I would hop back in if someone started a team.


macrumors regular
Jul 4, 2002
Fiveos22 said:
I posted this earlier today in the forums and got no response

"I was wondering if there is anyone who is interested in starting up a team for the new version of Seti@Home. It sounds like they have many of the previous problems fixed (security etc.) and an updated point system. There is a good article about it at Ars Technica if you want to read more about it.

Does the Macrumors Team still exist for the Seti@Home project and if they do, are considering moving over to the new BIONIC program? "

I would hop back in if someone started a team.

Also, this is altivec and MP aware.
Us mac people would kick some ass.
I beta-ed on my dual g5, I was 7 times faster than any non g4/g5 in the beta, including 3.0p4/3.2p4/athalon64... NUTS I tell you

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
It says that the existing accumulated personal and team workunits move to the new database but will end up as final totals, shown alongside Cobblestones, the new measurement of completed work. So all teams and individuals will start from 0 Cobblestones.

The new version updates itself when necessary automatically, comes only in command-line form for Mac (so far), and takes advantage of multiprocessors automatically. I've been running two CLI versions at once, so I guess I won't have to anymore. From the tone, it sounds like the transition period will be over before a GUI (e.g., screensaver) version is available. That would be too bad because fewer Mac users will want to use it.

It says
Can I run both versions at once? No; if you do this, SETI@home/BOINC won't get any CPU time because it runs at a lower priority. You must uninstall SETI@home Classic before running SETI@home/BOINC.
Do you really have to uninstall? Can't you just not invoke it?

- - - - -

A new race is on. So, team MacRumors, ready set go!


macrumors newbie
Mar 14, 2004
Roseville, CA

I've been running SETI@home for almost 2 years now. But all I've ever used is the GUI version. Can someone please explain how to run this new version? I've never done anything with the command line before.


Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
You really need to read the FAQ to understand how it works and how to get started.

After you (and others) read the FAQ, I (and no doubt other members) would be glad to try to answer questions.


macrumors regular
Jul 24, 2003
Adelaide Australia
help please

Ok ive read the FAQ Doctor Q, and ive totally missed something

Install the BOINC client by using gunzip to decompress the application.

Ok i did a search for gunzip and found the page, i downloaded it, and it was a classic application that wouldn't decompress the file from seti, so thats my first problem, once thats sorted out ill try to work out the rest by my self.

Start Terminal
'cd' to the folder you just created
i just found these instructions at the bottom of the page....... but i dont know what cd is
i typed "cd untitled(the name of te folder i put it in)" and it said it didn't exist...... probably coz i dont know want im doing


Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
ph_555_shag said:
Ok ive read the FAQ Doctor Q, and ive totally missed something

Ok i did a search for gunzip and found the page, i downloaded it, and it was a classic application that wouldn't decompress the file from seti, so thats my first problem, once thats sorted out ill try to work out the rest by my self.
If you download with Safari, it should expand automatically. They mention that in one place, but didn't make that clear where they talk about gunzip, which probably applies to Linux or non-Safari users. Did you use Safari? What filename(s) on your desktop (or other usual download location) appeared? I suspect that it is already unzipped and ready to go, but let's check.
i just found these instructions at the bottom of the page....... but i dont know what cd is
i typed "cd untitled(the name of te folder i put it in)" and it said it didn't exist...... probably coz i dont know want im doing
I must warn you that I'm only a few inches ahead of you. I downloaded it last night and tried setting it up and running it. I hit a few bumps along the way, but I think I now have it running, even though the display includes messages I can't interpret. So we're learning about SETI together.

To answer your question, it's a little awkward to use the new SETI if you've never used Terminal or Unix commands before. Not that its very hard, just that you are learning two things at once. There are a few threads here where people asked for beginners help with Terminal, and I suggest that anyone new to it search for those. If Terminal turns out to be too scary for some users, that's fine - wait for a GUI version of the new SETI, which I hope will be out soon.

Once you have the new (unzipped) SETI program, which has the lovely name boinc_3.18_powerpc-apple-darwin, you should create a folder in your home folder, e.g., /Users/mynamegoeshere/seti. Put file boinc_3.18_powerpc-apple-darwin in that folder.

When you launch Terminal, you get a prompt, probably ending with a percent sign. That's the command prompt. You type cd (short for "change directory"), a space, and the path of the folder you created, e.g., cd boinc_3.18_powerpc-apple-darwin, and then press return. Then the shell knows you are "in" that folder. If you type ls (short for "list"), it should show you the file named cd boinc_3.18_powerpc-apple-darwin.

Post when you get this far.
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