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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Dec 13, 2010
Denver, CO
So Vision Pro does seem compelling to me. It seems like it has a lot of potential. They really focused on how this is a device that you can use in many aspects of your life. Besides the obvious entertainment, they really talked a lot about productivity. But in order for it to be worthwhile in my eyes, Apple can't pull the garbage that they have been pulling with the iPad. By which I mean letting the software artificially hold back the capabilities of the hardware. This thing needs to have the capabilities to actually replace macs, at least for general users. It can't have a file system that's intentionally hobbled because Apple is afraid that users aren't smart enough to deal with files. It can't have audio and video subsystems that isolate what apps can do in terms to recording or redirecting a/v within the system. It can't artifically what you can do in terms of multi-tasking because Apple feels the need to hold your hand and that windows are too complex. And we can't be sitting here 10 years from now asking "When is Apple going to release their Pro apps for Vision Pro?"

Think of it like this. If the Vision Pro has the computing capabilities of an iMac or MacBook Air, but has the convenience of an iPad, and can replace those devices without sacrificing the ease of use of MacOS, then suddenly the $3500 price tag doesn't seem as bad. Yeah it's a lot, but if I don't have to buy a $1200 mac and a $900 iPad, then I think a decent number of people will find it compelling enough to get one.
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