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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Nov 22, 2007
Aalborg, Denmark
Is anyone working on a theme for Catalina? High Sierra is EOL later this year.

There's one on Reddit
We write back and forth on DeviantART.

D'oh of course he's building it for Mojave -- he even told me.

The only theme that's recently updated is Aqua-Lick for Catalina. Leopard-esque isn't updated- not by me at this moment. There's a disconnect with the assets I work with. I can't safely make themes for both Retina and so-called 100% displays (those that are non-retina) No program automatically creates these and puts these in place like the Flavours application did. Mavericks didn't have these new .car files to deal with either :D
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macrumors newbie
Feb 5, 2020
There's one on Reddit
We write back and forth on DeviantART.

D'oh of course he's building it for Mojave -- he even told me.

The only theme that's recently updated is Aqua-Lick for Catalina. Leopard-esque isn't updated- not by me at this moment. There's a disconnect with the assets I work with. I can't safely make themes for both Retina and so-called 100% displays (those that are non-retina) No program automatically creates these and puts these in place like the Flavours application did. Mavericks didn't have these new .car files to deal with either :D

Even Mojave gets us another year. :)

Its a shame that flavours was discontinued, I wonder if there will ever be a theme tool like that again.

RL Chan

macrumors newbie
Apr 19, 2020
Why not use the original Apple UI Resources?
hi can I ask where did you get this resource from, because I've been finding this in wayback machine or google searching and fliping the documentation archive from the apple developer cite but i can't find it.


macrumors regular
Apr 9, 2019
Actually, you have to create them yourself, because the old (Leopard) systems don't include Retina resources.
Alternatively you can ask Alan whether he is willing to share it... again..


macrumors newbie
Jan 28, 2022
Today is the my 42nd birthday and I have decided that a dumb decision is just dumb when stopping theming. It's what I like doing. SIP off - never an issue or problem being off anyway, so why would it ever be?!

Previously I stated that I was done with theming forever.. turns out ... not true. :rolleyes:

I can't stop making mockups and making small edits here and there.

Lately I thought of Cel Shaded as an option for Catalina. Mockup is still just that.

All this should make me think about what I do as an author - I can't just go away and delete links left and right.

I've made a new theme that explores the darker side of what was once Leopard and Snow Leopard.

Take a look and see if you like it. There's a readme file included this time that you may read. In fact. You should. It contains instructions.

The only reason I call it Leopard-esque is because I don't know what else to call it.

There's included graphics for non-Retina resolutions too. Like I write in the readme for this archive I'd like that you I've some feedback on it as I've used Resolutionator to downscale my Retina screen.

Also I'd like to point out that I haven't gone through each element for this release. I would need a good amount of patience for that. I might get there eventually.
View attachment 760338

BTW. You don't have to use the iTunes theme (which is for the latest release) Or any of this. I just wanted to share it with you as I've been asked if I would ever make such a theme for High Sierra. This is what I came up with:

Download from here (outgoing link to my dA-account where this and other stuff reside)
Download from dA

OneDrive download that doesn't require a login or password. Doesn't expire unless Microsoft does something to turn off my possibilities to share.
I won't delete this either. I might just move the file around in the filesystem but if I do then the link will be updated manually accordingly:
Download LeopardEsque for High Sierra from OneDrive
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